
One 8.4oz red bull per day I work. Irish breakfast tea or chai on days off. These days coffee in all forms makes me feel anxious/ generally crappy. In the past I was a dark roast French press guy. Kinda sad to realize coffee no longer agrees with me, must be some secondary compounds cause caffeine is still great
Folgers or Maxwell House Columbian. When I take the time I have a coffee roaster and buy a variety of green beans from a local roaster. They have the big burlap bags full of green beans open on the floor. You can buy empty bags that have cool printing on them for a couple bucks. They have a big roaster and are constantly roasting. Smells heavanly. I have had Kona. Great coffee but breaks the bank. Nicaraugan I roast a lot but try a lot of organic free trade ones. Percolator, french press, or Mr. Coffee pot.

2 or 3 cups in the morning. One at lunch. Maybe one in afternoon. One hot summer I lost the desire and quit altogether. Very little to no withdrawal. Just a little bit draggy. I can drink a couple cups and go back to sleep.

Coffee-good stuff. Smells great and tastes great. Fresh roasted has a whole nother taste. They tell me it only truly is fresh for 2 weeks. Sealed in a can or in the whole bean. Look for a local roaster and try some. I could mail some to anyone too. I usually blend it half and half with Folgers or Maxwell House so I don't have to roast so often. My Fresh Roast roaster only does about 8 oz at a time. The reason I bought a roaster-my Mom was always hunting for that truly great cup of coffee. We had a memorial get together for her at the house. I bought the roaster for that event. 8 years ago this month. I enjoy using it but it takes a bit of time.
I grind a French-roast/Columbian 50/50 mix, and everyone who tries it loves it. Two 16oz travel mugs a day, with a slight splash of milk.
No way, Jose. I'm a dairy guy who was intro'd to coffee that way 45 yrs. ago. Ain't nothing going to change that. :evil::evil::evil:
No way, Jose. I'm a dairy guy who was intro'd to coffee that way 45 yrs. ago. Ain't nothing going to change that. :evil::evil::evil:
Jersey boy through and through I guess. Reminds me of my union days in NYC as the low man who had to get all the morning coffee break orders...eff that stuff now! It was a character building time of life then I guess.
Oh, c'mon Austin; you know the swampy armpit of America would gladly welcome/suck you back in here. Wander back in time to that wafting aroma of chemical/tire burn clouds over the weekend get-together. Ooohhh, that smell!...
Haha, the drive from south Jersey up to NYC filled my nostrils with plenty of chemical odors I will never fully realize... this conversation is bringing back a bunch of buried memories Brian!
Been there, done that, Stephen. They are noteworthy, but nothing can beat the aromas from this chemical/pharma cesspool of a state!
Not to be a downer, but my sister's and I need to bury my dad's ashes in the family burial plot at Gate of Heaven Cemetery this spring. It's the end of the line for that generation.
Just old Folgers from the stove to the thermos all waking hours. On average ~1/2 gal. per day. not real strong & nothing added.
In college I used to drink coffee daily but not so much these days only if I need the caffeine or it’s the weekend. Starbucks dark roast whole bean with one third espresso roast rocket fuel cream sugar = happy warm belly.
One cup a day in the morning. Light to medium roast, with oat milk. I was also a dairy/coffee drinker like you Austin, but dairy doesn’t sit well these days. I don’t enjoy the charred taste of dark roast (dark roast reduces acidity - cheap beans taste bad unless they are roasted till dark, or well after second crack).

I know I’ve told this story before: On cold days the crew would send someone out to Wawa for coffee. John F, one of the groundsmen would say, ‘cups o’ joe’ for the crew, and a ‘cup o’ josephine’ for Pat. (half milk/half coffee).
I am a coffee snob. I like the darkest roast available. If I can get "aged beans" I am even happier. I buy nothing but Sumatra beans for myself, and a weaker, medium blend for Jerry. We grind our own beans and use an espresso machine. A french press is the perfect way to brew a's the best cup you could ever get, but I like to save that approach for special occasions. We pack our own coffee and a small espresso maker on road trips because motel coffee generally sucks. We also pack a small propane espresso maker for a good cup of coffee along side the dirt road after a good hike. Did you know that the darker the roast of beans, the less caffeine?
That's what I did. We have a local roaster, he's been on the coast since 1970. He travels the world buying from small countries, small farmers, and is pretty well known in the coffee world. I had the opportunity 25 years ago to work with him to develop a specific blend for the restaurant I worked for. He taught me a lot about coffee. He taught me how to find the flavor I was looking for. He still roasts here, down on the river. When the wind blows a certain way you can smell coffee all over town.