I'm in the market for a new helmet and wondered if there are any recommendations. I confess that I climbed for years in a ball cap, and I still believe the ground personnel are in greater need of protective headgear than the climber, but it's definitely advisable for all personnel to wear it. That said, LJ Carl, (not to be confused with LL CoolJ, regardless of resemblance), was a positive influence on me in that regard. I have a Rockman helmet with chin-strap, but I mounted my cam to it, and therefore, if I'm not filming, I don't want to wear it. I currently have a Stihl hardhat, but I'm looking toward a dedicated climbing helmet. I'm eyeing the Petzl Elios, considering black in color, as white/orange/etc show scuffs something awful. Thoughts, recommendations? Anybody here rocking an Elios?