Hell around here cops don't even bother you going 10 mph (15 kmh) over, it's kinda assumed it's the speed limit except for certain areas of towns (the smaller the town the more they care). I've actually had cops just flash lights for a second to tell you too slow down, once while doing probably 20 mph over running late to work one day lol (in a 30 mph zone). Used to wave to them going the other way on 2 lane roads going 15 mph over. But then again I've gotten maybe 5 seat belt tickets, and got pulled over in a drive through for having a sticker out of date by a week. I had paid it, had just grabbed the mail from my folks house containing the sticker, just hadn't opened it and put it on. Asshat made me get out and put the sticker on right there, holding up the whole drive through line. I hope they messed with his food...