Yeah. I got me some good tinkerin' to do this weekend! 

If I was a really infrequent use welder who wanted to weld up fairly small projects, I'd get something like this, for $340. It can handle just about anything a tree worker would need, has a short learning curve, and low startup cost. The main disavantage I see is it has a low duty cycle, which would suck if you were welding 1/4" steel ramps, but would be fine for the majority of one's needs.
With proper preperation it can weld 1/4" on a single pass, probably a 20% duty cycle. I'd generally limit the thickness to 3/8" with 3 passes or 1/2" if you can get to both sides and you don't need to weld a very long stringer.
We can probably teach you the basics online.