Chip Box Build

I put a screen in front of my rear window. One of those house vent screens that have the construction wire. Won't stop the fine dust... but it'll stop chips. The little chipper sucks to try and keep straight as does the log splitter. No can see with out window. By the time it appears in the mirror... well.. too late. LOL
We just go to princess auto and buy the snow plow markers and mount them on the fenders, work great and are very flexible so they dont break off. Work great for backing up and even when hooking up. Dump box is looking good.

The plexi glass is fine if the mesh is in between it and the chipper. I ran like that for awhile with no trouble. Besides, if it somehow breaks it is cheap enough to have another on hand to replace it if you use bolts to mount it. I'd post a picture but can't figure out how to get into my external hard drive on windows 8 :dur:
Sure you do but it's nice to have the back glass as well. I like black coffee but a mocha is nice when I can get it ;)
I feel like I get taken for a yuppie because I stay clean-cut for business, and I got that Land Rover for $2500, almost new, last year. Kid in the back. Sometimes a Starbucks in the cupholderLook like a yuppie, and it is sooo far from how I used to look. . ha.
What if you wanted a coffee to go and didn't want to be seen as a yuppie, where would you get it? Winchell's donuts? There is a Starbucks in the train station building a few towns over. I'm not even sure that we have yuppies in this country. The girls in the station one are real nice, they can practice their English on me.
I think it's clever how they call these guys who work in coffee shops "baristas" like it's something cool like a bullfighter.
"What do you do" "oh I'm a barista" sounds better than I'm a minimum wage drone in a coffee shop.
Timmy Hortons is the rage around here. Amazing how many people line up there. We have a Dunkin Donuts right in my small town in conjunction with a convenience store.

I hardly ever buy a coffee, make my own. I want to get some green beans and try roasting my own. Fresh roasted is supposed to be a treat.
Timmy Ho's. A Canadian specialty. Lol

Canucks are crazed for it. They'll line up the drive thru right into the street and not think twice.

I brew my own for the most part. When plowing I'll hit Tim's in the wee ours. The coffee they sell is so creamed and sugared up its unreal. I get no sugar 1/2 a cream, no double double here.