CARB Legal Chipper for California

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bixler
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Dec 20, 2012
Nevada City,CA
Any idea what chipper to use here in California? The bigger the better, but it's got to be legal for the long run.
You know they elected Arnold Scharzanegger as governor right?

I did not vote for him, and our new one is worse,,,California is one of the worst places to do business. What I said was to the OP is that if he wants to be legal, is that he will have to be under 50hp or have a tier 4 engine,,,got it?
Tier 4 engine, or stay under 50hp.

Under 50HP he said a chipper not a troy built mulcher shredder.

Get this sucka and screw your hippie laws:

I did not vote for hippie laws,,sucka! I am posting a fact,,sucka!

The chipper was the 'sucka' Jeff. My remarks were clearly directed at Brian and CARB.

I have a 37hp diesel bandit 65xp. No, it's not a production monster, but it processes quickly with a little extra limbing and makes money. Upgrade in a year or two once you have the carb deal figured out...
I understood it too. Bonner doesn't pick fights at TH.

There's no law against hippies making laws.
I went the "under 50hp" route. Ours is 46hp diesel. We can chip up to 9" limbs with it...though i guess it's only technically an 8" chipper...
Our 72hp Duetz needs a rebuild,,$9000.00. That would take us to January 2014 and a tier 4 engine is what you need to register it. So for 9k to last until Jan.,,or pay almost 14k for a tier 4, 77hp Duetz is common sense here in California and stupid. This state is very business un-friendly.
Here is a pic of the new motor.


It is going on a Vermeer 672 towable stump grinder.
I did some demos, but nothing compared to our beast.