Dave Shepard
Square peg, round world.
How about just driving away?

I always carry a knife, I'd stab the sucker in the neck.
It may sound crazy, but I heard that crapping your pants can put a bear off his appetite. Which is just as well, since you may not be able to help it.
They come into my yard for the crabapples in the fall, fattening up. Black bears that is. Not a big deal around here unless one gets into town, then all hell breaks loose.
Wouldn't you get more pissed? I would. Hit me in the nose and I'm gonna eat you.
Hey, I'm smear my entire body with crap if it would make the bear turn up his nose.
We have the worlds largest population of polar bears right here in Denmark, you know. So we are used to dealing with them.
I have never had the opportunity to put y brick-breaking punch to the test, though.
I think if I had my druthers, I'd rather have to deal with bear than large cats....ANY day!
Might we assume that most of these danish polar bears are in Greenland rather than Jutland?