In the summer it's better to wear a white helmet. This year's hot summer gave me an idea to equip the helmet optional block with active ventilation, аnd also use earplugs instead of headphones -
In winter is very effective pelerine -
System of compulsory ventilation about 20% of the air flow is directed on the cooling of the ears. Rest of air flow uniformly dispersed throughout the part of a head with a gain in the forehead area. Visir perfectly directs airflow to cool the face. This system is very useful in the hot season. This is especially relevant for the southern countries. For me remains a mystery how you can work in a helmet without this option for example in Louisiana ...)) 35*C - is too hot!
Max you got that right--I got heatstroke last Monday while wearing a helmet (and drinking gallons of fluids). The helmet stays off in the heat now, unless drop zone is active.
Butch, are you implying that after a true heat stroke per person condescends enlightenment?))
What is heat stroke I know on numerous examples - I'm a fireman
Max you got that right--I got heatstroke last Monday while wearing a helmet (and drinking gallons of fluids). The helmet stays off in the heat now, unless drop zone is active.
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