Sunday mornings I do the traditional Danish thing, if it is the mail order bride's week off, and go to the bakery for fresh bread.
Bit of a drive, but well worth it.
Coming back I saw a
white tailed eagle. No traffic and it was flying parallel to the road, so I was able to enjoy it for a while.
It is our great success story.
30 years ago they were next to extict, with only 2-3 pairs left.
Since they mainly live off of fish, and the Baltic sea was heavily polluted ( Pregnant women are adviced not to eat Baltic seafood) they had so high levels of Mercury and DDt, that their eggs simply didn't hatch.
So someone got the brilliant idea of detoxifying them by feeding them something else than Baltic fish.
What do we have a surplus of in this country?
Dead pigs!!!!
So feeding stations were set up near the 3 nesting places and it worked great.
Now we have 130 pair of breeding birds and get a couple of hundred young ones on the wing every year.
The feeding stations are history, the Baltic is less toxic and the future for the eagles is bright.
It just totally makes my day, when I see one!