5 saws a week??
I can afford any saw easily for years now.Not the question I am putting out there. The 200 is not much better than the 338 husky and hundreds o saw bucks less,why? pay the 200off in two jobs? same can be said witht he others so point mute. chevy,ford ,dodge we all have our prefrence but with saws there is not comparison the 200 is better. The money is an issue when so many saws are on the line.Sthil is in for a comeupance and I am just the climber who can cause a ruckus.Judge me if you choose for buckin the system of over priced chain saws. Soon The best saw in the world will only be $400...mark my words.In my workshop a few years ago here Tom Dunlap ,Robert Phillips and other arbos saw me auction off a 338 Husky for the winner of footlock competition.It would have been a 200 sthil but the company didnt think it wise to donate a saw for the show.The husky vendor that day sold 12 saws at the workshop in their booth.
A dark wind is blowin through the hall O the sthil dealer,You tell em Goss is commin and hell is commin with me......
Has anyone tried the husky tophandle saw lately?
sofa king we todd it.
Well perhaps so as a rule .I have the exception to that rule in my garage .Screamin 200 T with a Pheonix decal .My latest, a Jonsy 2139T, cost me $350, and has about 10% more power and torque than the 200T.
That has got to be one of the most arrogant posts I have read on any forum... ever.
You still haven't explained why you're goin' through 5 saws a week... :roll:
It's been enhanced somewhat .You just ported it, didn't ya?!
Where? Do you post pics of the new or smashed saws there? I wanna see!