Jim Bob, you had me, especially since I've never seen TBL. Btw which is the line, the 'Georgia' line?
Underwor, sounds gnarly tough.
Bermie, I hadda look up 'bogan'. I may be a mix of bogan and greenie, lol.
Scott, indeed. I'm no match for sand spurs, seen em in FL.
I won’t have exposed feet in the house, nasty smelly great plates of meat and fungus.
Well of course, Mick. If you don''t let them dogs breathe, they gonna be nasty AF.
Yeah, well, so, last nite in the snow really surprised me, I wasn't sure what to make of it. So today I decided to go and clean the snow off my trucks and equipment wearing the same getup, or lack thereof. And.... apparently I may not need shoes anymore lol!
The feet response reminded me of the response with dunking the body in cold water- pretty uncomfortable at first but then after a minute or two, really becomes no big deal, can then do it somewhat indefinitely.
Why I feel like doing this stuff I would say is not readily explainable, and certainly not necessarily fully logical or sensible, but because it is 'kinda fun' would definitely figure in there somewhere, fwiw.