Anyone have a link for air filters?


Tree House enthusiast
Aug 23, 2008
Seems like I recall folks had some good links for various filters...

I need a filter for the Brush Bandit. It was weird, we chipped up some deadwood and storm damage from a sycamore awhile back, probably 10 minutes of chipping, the sycamore caused a lint-like dust to coat the radiator cover in 3/8'' thick. That was surprising given the small amount of chipping that caused it, but no big deal, blew all the dust off, blew out the air cleaner. But ever since, the air cleaner indicator has 'gone off' indicating restiction. Blew out filter several times with compressed air like I always periodically do, just typical, normal amounts of dust come out of it. So I'm surprised 10 min of chipping could toast the outer filter. Maybe the pop up restriction indicator got compromised somehow??
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  • #6
I will answer the above posts in just a bit.

This is a pic of the sycamore dust, fwiw. It was like a cross between lint and felt.

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  • #8
It was a crazy material, totally cohesive to itself, those areas at upper right wiped completely clean with one swipe. Would make the best bedding material for a small wild animal...
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  • #13
Interesting, Willie. I've never seen that here with sycamore until this tree.
We rarely prune in the summer on those because of it. Eyes water, tickle in your throat you can't cough out. Miserable.
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  • #16
It was, Ray.
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  • #18
Not yet, I have to check the links y'all provided above, haven't done it yet.
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  • #20
Hats off to ya!!

I was busy being drunk a couple days ago when first replies came in, then I just got tied up with the usual stuff. The work xmas party never fails..
The fuzz are tricomes aka leaf hairs, I believe. They suck. They are on London Planetree, more common hear than sycamore. Worked on a 7' dbh one for storm damage pruning. Good respirators saved the day, $30 at Home Depot, valved double-filter replaceable. Back when, we knocked down another one, where I found out dust masks don't cut it.
While we still don’t fully understand how leaf hairs
(or trichomes) affect plant water loss, leaves that
are covered with these small hairs typically lose
less water than those that do not.

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  • #22
Good info!
Cory, I have been told by more than one old guy of wisdom to never use compressed air on filters, causes holes in the filter that will accelerate engine wear. leaf blower from inside is good as is knocking it out on the tongue
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  • #24
Interesting. My inner filter looks like new so if compressed air is causing an issue it is hard to detect with the eyeball test. But good info to consider.
Remember, if ANY dust is on the secondary, toss them both. You can wash filters too, they are never quite as efficient afterwards though.

Also, a primary with a little dust in it does a better job of cleaning the incoming charge than a completely clean filter.