Another 372XP Problem!?


Jul 28, 2007
Gilmanton, N.H.
OK, so I'm baffled. My 372XP starts fine and runs fine for around an hour, but when I shut it off to refill it and then go to restart it, it makes a loud popping/puffing sound and then won't restart until a few hours later after it has cooled down completely and then it will restart and run fine for maybe another hour and then the cycle repeats itself.

The problem is, I can't get it to repeat what happens at the dealer, because I can't stand around and let it run for an hour.

Any ideas guys? This motor has been rebuilt once before. It was one of the last 372XPs sold, before the EPA passed their new tougher emission regs.
Also, check to see if there is room in the garbage can for it:P

A guy once told his motorcycle dealer that he had decided to take his Brit bike on a cross country trip.
He then asked if there was anything special in the way of maintenance that he should do before setting out on such a long journey.
The mechanic told him just to do the usual: Oil change, gear oil change, new spark plugs, set the timing etc, etc.
Finally he said, there is one other thing that is important do do; The day before you go, toss the thing out and buy a BMW.

I'd recommend the same to you, only substituting Stihl for BMW.
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I don't think it would explain why the saw has to cool down to start, but I recall a confusing odd popping sound that was the result of a loose plug. I only learned what it was after the saw caught on fire twice and It occurred that further investigation would be wise.