Andy's fond memories


Dormant hero!!
Dec 6, 2005
So. Oregon
andy id love to hear the memories you are fond of for once:) things that make you warm and fuzzy inside:lol:
But I am a cynic!:lol:

The little blonde (and I don't even like blondes!) that I made love to for five hours years and years and years ago.

Getting drunk on Jack Daniels with the Wolf while he and I watched "Beavis and Butthead".

Knowing the smile my best freind had on his face when I showed up with a mowhawk at his funeral.

Lying in be with my son last night as he cried having nightmares.

These are some of my "warm fuzzies".
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:rockhard: nice andy, add to this list sometimes would ya8)
Lying in bed with my son last night as he cried having nightmares.

I watched Bub today for a few hours, he woke up screaming from his nap, when I got him we sat on the couch and he fell asleep curled up in my lap for about 1/2 an hour all snuggled up to his bunny with his soother in his mouth, priceless moments man.

When he woke up again he was fighting gas and we spent time on the camo fleece blanket on the living room floor, him taking turns writhing around screaming with crocodile tears then coming over to where I was sitting for a hug and good vibes, that wasnt so much fun but...
Haley had night terrors. That wasn't so much fun. Changing her diapers was always fun. We usually had a laugh then.
We went throught the night terrors also. He just would start screaming, you would swear he was awake, and the only way to get him to settle down was to wake him.
Now he wants to play so much he's having nightmares about not getting to play:lol:

Here you go Willie!

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haha, i just wanted to see some "cheery" andy posts:)
Bubba was sicker than a dog the other night. Tore my heart out. Mom and I were both worn out. He started crying again so I got up and went and laid with him. He was half asleep, but rolled over, put his arm on mine and says "Tanks daddy, for laying with me."

Nothing in my life has amounted to what that felt like.
:) I hear you brother. I laid on the couch with Bub last week for a couple hours and felt almost as much coolness.
I just love it when after all the fuss and such they just look up at you and it's like you just made it all better..... Like when Lilly wakes up, kinda lost, finds me looking at her, I hold her tight and she smiles :)
Some of the best moments we'll ever have Andy ... with our kids :D
Grandkids are even more fun, cuz you can spoil them rotten and send them home.:lol:
Having a child has been the greatest experience of my life hands down. 2 years ago the docotor delivered a 1 lb 10 ounce daughter that wasnt supposed to live. She did live though. But with great promise of being severely handicapped and mentally best. Right now she is standing over my black lab attempting to brush his fur and put socks on him. She is 100 percent normal and very much advanced for her age. She's just a small child. hearing her say "Wuv u Dada" crushes me every time.
Insane, nah...sox on a dog seems very creative. Could be an artist in the making. :)
If she tries to put shoes on too, it could be of some concern.
Got to spend some time with a LOT of fine people this weekend! Met Brian, got to go to dinner with Dave and his wife again, always fun!
Took the neighbor and his eight year old daughter fishing a while back. She caught two little Perch and her whole body just turned into a large smile. It was so cool! Still need to take Bubba sometime soon.
At the get together at the nursing home after my Grandma's funeral down in Southern California, my kids (all on their own) instead of all sitting together each went and sat by a different old person and tried to comfort them. I was just standing there kind of amazed and my Aunt says to me "I think your kids all earned their way into heaven in just the last few minutes".