1994 F-450 diesel??

Hey tucker you want to sell your 450, :D?? Doesn't sound like you'd part, those trucks are sharp!


That truck is too good to me to send it on down the road. LOL. Ive often thought about selling it and upgrading but until the day it starts failing me, or lacks the power to get the job done, I cant see a reason to upgrade.
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  • #54
Thanks Brendon, I was looking at the ez dumper inserts but I think they're a little more than that.

if you look around here and near willy and bounce you will find 1 ton 4x4 diesel chip trucks
old davey rigs
pick em up cheap, usually have to do the front end and some other maint.

but you'd have a sweet 8 ft bed, with tool boxes and front compartment big enough for saws and gear
on a 1 ton 4x4
That's a good truck Willie, we envy you West Coasters with your rust free vehicles. :P
Haha, in Kodiak, the paper was full of ads for 'good running truck, Kodiak body':lol: I am very glad we don't salt roads here and would never buy a truck with that kind of cancer! That outfit does a nice job of cutting the cancer out of chip boxes and repairing
Thanks Brendon, I was looking at the ez dumper inserts but I think they're a little more than that.


No there around $2600 here.. thats for a steel unit.

I have seen a lot of used ones around here too go for about a grand.

Heres one, 8'

Another 8' brand new for $1900...

Another 8' for $900

Truck and insert, $3500
Wow, rarely pop up here, you should pick one up Nick, be handy in your shiney truck
I drove a friends truck to Chambersburg, PA and picked up his new Truck Craft aluminum dumper with roof guard. Nice dump insert. Tailgate opened like a pickup, or hinged at the top. I could have bought that truck in '04 for $15k. It was a '99 Cummins with an 8.5 Fisher V plow, dumper, and only 38k miles, absolutely mint.
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  • #71
Just got a quote from EZ Dumper for their 8 ft. steel insert, 1995.00 new in PA. I'm waiting for a quote from the California dealer, and for shipping youch!
