16 strand help

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I have a question... I was trying to think of a better way to splice NE fly recently, and I wonder if you could splice it in the same way as a 16 strand. It has more cover strands, but the core is essentially the same right? So, wouldn't a long taper and bury work for the Fly in the same way it works for 16 strand?
The 16 strand splice is designed for ropes that hold all of the load in the cover. Much or most of the weight
In the fly is in those core strandswhixh would not be incorporated in to the strength part of a 16 strand splice.

I wonder, though...

Hey Brian, do you remember this thread? I well I just finished my first 16 strand splice. It was XTC and holy shite did that suck! I started yesterday and finished today. It looks good but the bit of rope between the 11" marks is not so smooth. I think it's fine and it's not that noticeable of a bump. I am hoping that it will smooth out over time. I think it will be some time before I try 16 strand again.
I never found 16 strand to really be that difficult unless the rope had been well used. But then again, that's what I learned to splice first. I had a harder time splicing double braid. I just could get my head wrapped around the idea of the cover being tucked into the core and than everything being sucked back in...Now it's not so bad.
I assume that not all 16 strands splice the same. Which ones have you found to be easiest? I heard that XTC is one of the harder ones to splice. I hope thats true because it should only get easier from here.
I am by no means a master at splicing rope, but I have done a lot of sixteen strand rope over the years and and XTC was one of my fav. ropes when it came out. Unless the the structure of 16 strand has changed somehow( core and cover) than I would think the splice hasn't changed either. But I haven't climbed on the newer stuff either.

The only reason that I might have even felt that XTC was harder might have been because it wanted to unravel, but other than that it was easy enough to tuck and bury. Bare in mind, that the XTC I was splicing was the original stuff. Are they still running 10 parallel core in the center with maybe a tracer or two ?
XTC now has twisted core, making it easier to snag on the crossover. New England has the easiest 16's to splice of the quality ropes. The Neolite stuff is crazy easy to splice, so easy that if not lockstitched it will pull out under normal use. It is the only 16 strand I have ever seen that HAD to be stitched.
Another vote for NE Hi-Vee here for an easy splice.

The Edelrid 16 strand is a bitch, never struggled too much with XTC, unless you catch a cover strand of course.
XTC now has twisted core, making it easier to snag on the crossover. New England has the easiest 16's to splice of the quality ropes. The Neolite stuff is crazy easy to splice, so easy that if not lockstitched it will pull out under normal use. It is the only 16 strand I have ever seen that HAD to be stitched.
Dave I re-spliced that crazy light rope you gave me for trial....Turned out ok, but now the rope is only 100'. Bummer, it's just not adequate for most my tie ins and I like using that rope.
Another vote for NE Hi-Vee here for an easy splice.

The Edelrid 16 strand is a bitch, never struggled too much with XTC, unless you catch a cover strand of course.

I just respliced an old NE Hi-Vee twas easy after a good wash, I agree that Edelrid is tough and apparently the newer version is even tighter, the worst 16 strand to splice though is Marlow, horrible,horrible.

I have found pulling the core as well as the tapered cover at the same time can help to get things moving.
...The Neolite stuff is crazy easy to splice, so easy that if not lockstitched it will pull out under normal use. It is the only 16 strand I have ever seen that HAD to be stitched.

Agreed. When I did my first neolite splice for a customer, I finished it, saw how loose it was, chopped it off and redid it with different measurements (counting 15 strands from the beginning of the bury to the first marked strands of the taper as opposed to the typical 5. I am of the opinion that a splice should hold together on it's own without the stitching and the stitching is just there as a useless backup or to keep it from pulling out when it gets snagged while NOT under load. Take an XTC splice finished and unstitched and it's tough to pull out. Blaze, Velocity, Poison Ivy, Tachyon- good luck. You can do it, but good luck. Neolite...no prob!

Anyway. Oh- Bucanneer 16 strand. Do they still sell that stuff. Same thing with that stuff.

I have found pulling the core as well as the tapered cover at the same time can help to get things moving.

Not only can it help...I consider it essential. Getting the cover tail from point C to D in a 16 strand is the one splicing maneuver that pushes the most people away from splicing. Learning the tricks to this one maneuver are, for many people, the key to keeping the door of the splicing world open.

Pull extra core strands out and keep them under gentle tension while getting the fid up and through and pull even more out while actually pulling the cover tail through.
Anyone splice eyes in the 11mm 16 strand All Gear NeoPro? Do you use the same measurements as the 1/2"? :?
28"-"size of eye"-22"-11".....??? :dontknow:
Anyone have any tips at all for splicing this stuff? :?
I attempted one eye(I think I tried to make it too small)and
overall it came out OK except for the cover bunching up right
at the bury. Also, it was EXTREMELY HARD to get mark A to
meet mark B.
The instructions that neropes gives are incomplete I think.
The core that I pulled through at mark C was still "hanging out".
I had to go back and pull more out, cut and re taper the end so
it would get "sucked" back inside the cover.....??? :?
I'll try it again with a bigger eye and see if it helps..... :thumbupold:



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Looks like you made the eye too small. 3" for a tight eye is a general rule. Where'd you pull the core out at? Also looks like you still have core in the eye, which you shouldn't if its a 16 strand rope.
Yep, you just had the wrong instructions! I'll post some 16 strand instructions later, but with 16 strand you shouldn't have the core in the eye at all.
Yep, you just had the wrong instructions! I'll post some 16 strand instructions later, but with 16 strand you shouldn't have the core in the eye at all.

Thank you VERY MUCH! :greenjumpers:
That's what I wanted to know. I've spliced the 1/2" and just wanted to know if the 7/16"(11.5mm)had different measurements. :dontknow:
I really appreciate it, and look forward to getting this lanyard finished off with spliced eyes. :D
Thanks again.....