1000 Members! A Milestone!

Congratulations, Butch!

:occasion9: :occasion9:

On the few occasions that I bump into someone that expresses an interest in climbing, I always mention this forum. My favorite place on the internet!

Well I'm proud to be 1 of the 1000. I've definatly learned more and been much more active on this site than any other.
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Actually, it hit 1000 years ago, I'd just been deleting the zero posters. If I had to guess I'd say 5 to 10 thousand people have registered over the decade+ that the TreeHouse has existed.
I forget how I found this place. I think through mention of it while Butch was still a member at TreeBuzzkill. Once I got to know a few folks here I simply stuck around.
Did you ever see small surge some time ago when Treeworld bit the dust and shut down?
Congratulations Butch,... and all.

I always notice how about four times more people search info on The House each day than members sign in. And when I Google a topic am frequently given Treehouse as one of my choices. TTH is a rich resource for all.