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  1. lxskllr

    Cold showers

    It's the artificial construct that really bothers me I think. I can stick my hands in a cold creek, or work in cold rain, and it doesn't bother me, but putting my hands in cold tap water to wash my hands is utterly repulsive. I've paddled whitewater with ice on my boat, kneeling in water that's...
  2. lxskllr

    Cold showers

    Move the tub outside, put it up on blocks, build a fire under it, and you'll really have something there :^P
  3. lxskllr

    Cold showers

    Salt melts in the rain too :^P
  4. lxskllr

    Cold showers

    I'd be more inclined to do it in a fjord. Get to be outside in a natural environment. Plopping my ass in a cold tub just seems like masochism.
  5. lxskllr

    Cold showers

    That's a pretty spot. Nice falls :^)
  6. lxskllr

    Cold showers

    I get it. It's the difference between standing in the crash zone, getting sprayed by ocean surf, and just diving in and getting it all over with.
  7. lxskllr

    Cold showers

    That's an interesting way to put it. "Everything kinda sucked before, but thank christ I'm not in a cold ass tub anymore. This is great!" :^P
  8. lxskllr

    Cold showers

    Know what else is convenient? My bathtub two rooms away, inside, and full of hot water :^P
  9. lxskllr

    Cold showers

    I'm not opposed to getting in cold natural water(river, ocean, whatever), but I'm still not down with cold showers. AFAIC, the water heater is one of the world's greatest inventions.
  10. lxskllr

    Cold showers

    I'd get in there with you cory, at least once. I'm not up for cold showers, but I'll do some swimming, or work/play in cold water. Know what's awesome? Locating the center of a walkable but deep creep in winter with full sun shining. Up to your waist in ice cold water, but warmth on your chest...
  11. lxskllr

    Cold showers

    Funny. I don't care for those soda brand bottled waters either. They taste like nothing with a peculiar sharpness. I think they should have spent more time crafting the flavor. Certain places in the mountains have really good water. I guess it's the rock it travels through.
  12. lxskllr

    Cold showers

    Your inner voice sounds smart :^D I'm not really down with cold showers. Hot showers are one of the few luxuries I partake in. I'll 'do stuff' in cold water. I went for a new years day whitewater paddle once, and had a good time, but shower time should be relaxing and feel good imo.