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  • Users: treesmith
  • Content: Threads
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  1. treesmith

    Brake controller issues

    So I went and hooked up my new dump trailer while ago. I always hit the brake controller button as soon as I start moving to verify that the trailer is connected as well as to test the brakes. Today, I had zero brakes. Even ran the controller up to 10. Nothing. Stuck the tester in the plugs...
  2. treesmith


    My wife bought me a Blackstone for my birthday last year (2022). I liked it so much I bought another one for the camper. I really enjoy cooking on them. Anyone else on here into Blackstones (or other flat-tops)? I got the 28XL Pro for the house and the 22 On-the-Go for the camper.
  3. treesmith

    Sight on APTA

    Okay. I’ve heard/read/watched videos of several folk who’ve attached some sort of sight to their APTA. Having had an experience or two with actual firearms, my opinion of its accuracy is quite limited. However, I am happy to be proven wrong. To any if you who have experience with a sighted APTA...
  4. treesmith

    Prusik length

    I spliced my first prusik prolly 12-15 years ago. Can’t remember the length I was shooting for, or why. Brian (Skwerl) later posted a pic of his setup, and it was somewhat shorter than mine, utilizing only four wraps. I began making mine shorter and shorter, seeking the optimum length. The one...
  5. treesmith

    New saws

    I had heard rumor that our local hardware/auto parts store was closing up, and needed a couple of snaps, so I dropped by today. Spoke with a young salesman who I’ve known for years and he confirmed that they were indeed closing. I asked if the saws were discounted and he said yes. I pointed at a...
  6. treesmith

    Ultra vs whoopie sling

    I bought a Bend Right ring a few weeks back and am getting ready to splice up a sling for it. I have made/used loopies, whoopies and regular eye slings, but have never made/used an Ultra sling. For those of you that have experience with both, which do you prefer…and why? The Ultra has a certain...
  7. treesmith

    Happy Father’s Day!

    I’d like to wish a Happy Father’s Day to all the fathers at the Treehouse! I’m thankful to still have my father. He turned 80 back in April. Finest man I’ve ever known. Brings to mind a song I used to listen to as a kid. Had it on a record back in those days...
  8. treesmith

    Canon 1D Mark III body for sale

    Several years ago, my wife got interested in photography so I bought her a Canon 1D Mark III. A couple of years later, she wanted a newer model so I bought her a 5D. She hasn’t used the 1D in quite a while so we may as well part with it. Body, strap, charger, two or three batteries (not sure if...
  9. treesmith

    Ham radio

    Any hams on here? I just bought a couple of handheld units to dabble in it. There’s a lot to it, apparently.
  10. treesmith

    Cummins turbo not working

    Any Cummins experts on here? My 2015 Ram 3500 cranked fine this morning but has no power. Turbo isn’t kicking in. Don’t know if it’s vacuum or electric or what. 6.7 Cummins. Anyone have any experience with this?
  11. treesmith

    Cakes? Let’s see them!

    My granddaughter turns two on Monday. She loves Cookie Monster on Sesame Street. And her mom, my middle daughter, loves to bake cakes. So.....
  12. treesmith

    The multi-purpose Boxer

    I bought the Boxer to use for tree work, but it has proven useful for other things as well.....
  13. treesmith

    Bailey's website down?

    While Treestuff is my go-to store for "tree stuff", I do buy from WesSpur from time to time, and still buy chains from Bailey's. I have tried repeatedly to log on to their website today, to no avail. Does anyone know if they're down, closed, whatever?
  14. treesmith

    Best throw bag

    I know it's been hashed a thousand times, (if not more), but what's CURRENTLY our favorite throw bag, both for throwing and APTA use? I have used my APTA three times now, with great success each time, just don't want to be dependent on it. I pack my "unbreakable" bag (10-oz) from Wesspur in and...
  15. treesmith

    MS 441 or MS 461

    After putting the 660 in service the other day, I've about decided to sell/trade all 4 of my Huskys and put them toward a new Stihl. I won't get enough to cover a 661, but thought I might approach a size or two down. I have never run a 441 or 461, but was wanting some feedback. Anyone here use...
  16. treesmith


    Not sure if this is where this belongs, but I'll stick it here. I was called last week to submit a bid at a nearby housing authority. I finally got ahold of them Friday, as I had been getting home near dark, and they faithfully run out of the office at 4:00 every afternoon. They want the bid in...
  17. treesmith

    HAAS or SAKA?

    I'm slow to change....still climb on a tautline regularly....but now and again I like to dabble in the new. Being of limited knowledge, I'm pondering the HAAS or the SAKA. What's the difference in the two? They appear to be simply different brand offerings of the same thing?
  18. treesmith

    Bad checks???

    So...I just had a check bounce....third one since Thanksgiving. I'm wondering what "normal" protocol is for handling this. I have never had this problem in 29 years, until now. One guy wrote me a check on the Monday , the week before Thanksgiving, asking me to hold it until Wednesday. I didn't...
  19. treesmith

    Cordless drill for GRCS

    Saw this on a construction forum I'm on..... I was wondering if anyone has had any experience with it. Seems it would be VERY handy for running a GRCS without...
  20. treesmith

    Port-a-Wrap XL

    Has anyone had any experience with the XL porty? I just saw it in Tree Services magazine and googles it. WesSpur is the only outfit I found that had it. 60,000# tensile strength...6,000# working load rating....I'd hate to rope 6,000 pounds on a porty, regardless of size! I break out the bollard...