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  1. stig

    Tree felling vids

    I'm a happy mixture, like most of us. I started out Euc and got some oaky tendencies over the years. I'm still too much of a logger type to enjoy pruning jobs, though. So probably mostly euc, still. Sometimes there is a tree where you just have to forget all the fancy shit, Euc up, and put it...
  2. stig

    Tree felling vids

    Interesting that it was 3 englishmen who read Chris's post as being angry/confrontative. Must be a cultural thing:lol: It doesn't extend to Scandinavia, I simply thought it was nice that somebody spoke up for the eucmen in the profession.
  3. stig

    Tree felling vids

    Of course it will. I just thought this was a forum for professional saw users. That is why I didn't understand the concern about tip cutting.
  4. stig

    Tree felling vids

    What is wrong with using the tip of your bar? As a veteran borecutter, I use the tip constantly.
  5. stig

    Tree felling vids

    Find a young girlfriend, go to another country and start over:D Just for the record, she is 3 months younger than me.
  6. stig

    Tree felling vids

  7. stig

    Tree felling vids

    Burnham, I've planted with the hoedad in California back in my wetback days. They use it in Germany as well, but I never liked it for our flat ground. Traditionally we've used a shortened drainage spade, but that sucker is heavy as hell and very taxing on the left shoulder ( from lifting it), so...
  8. stig

    Tree felling vids

    Bend your legs, not your back. Also it is good to ease into it, like maybe start out by doing 800 a day for a couple of days, when the season starts. That is the number that pays a decent days wages, which is why we always aim for 1000. On good soil I can set 1000 in about 6½ hrs, then I quit...
  9. stig

    Tree felling vids

    Yup. It is all about rythm and cutting away unnecessary moves. Usually apprentices will hit the 1000 mark after a few weeks ( Maybe because I tell them , that someone who can't stick 1000 trees in the ground a day has no place in the woods:lol:)
  10. stig

    Tree felling vids

    In a flat country like this, it ain't that bad. We usually manage to plant about 1000 a day per person. I imagine it is a somewhat different scenario around Mount Hood.
  11. stig

    Tree felling vids

    If you add a zero to that, you get the number that I have personally stuck in the ground, ballpark figure.
  12. stig

    Tree felling vids

    Gary, they are doing the opposite of stump shot. Purposely making the tree run backwards off the stump. The vertical "blade" is to make sure it stays on the uphill side of the stump, or it'll be useless as an avalance barrier. Going up for a hike in the Berner alps yesterday, I passed several...
  13. stig

    Tree felling vids

    We plant about 7-10 times as many as we kill. Keeps our karma good. Nick, I knew you weren't dissing loggers. I just felt like pulling your chain a bit.:)
  14. stig

    Tree felling vids

    "It always stinks to cut down perfectly healthy, living trees" Beg your pardon, but some of us are loggers. That pretty much describes what I do for a living!
  15. stig

    Tree felling vids

    Working alone in a tree I'll always make sure someone, usually Richard, has the address and call in at a set time or when I'm done. We do the same thing when logging. SMS each other at fixed intervals 4 times in the day. I once got my foot pinched by a rolling log while winter logging. That was...
  16. stig

    Tree felling vids

    When I worked for the forest service I got sent out to fell a dead oak on a camp ground. Turned out it needed to be pulled, but I didn't have a winch with me. So I assembled all the campers, about 20 adults and at least as many children and had them pull the rope, backed well p with wedges. When...
  17. stig

    Tree felling vids

    <iframe width="420" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  18. stig

    Tree felling vids

    Great find, gary. I've shared it with some logging buddies.
  19. stig

    Tree felling vids

    Deadbeat more likely!
  20. stig

    Tree felling vids

    'Bout the most ridiculous way of felling a tree I've ever seen. And running apprentices for 20 years, I've seen a few. Absolutely no reason for farting around with wedges like that and not enough wind to make bore cutting necessary. No wonder he couldn't wedge it over with that chunk of hinge...