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  1. stig

    Tree felling vids

    What probably is an age thing, is the frigging music everybody always put in their videos. I might be too old for most of that, or maybe it is simoply that I hate " Noise". So I always turn them waaaaaaay down and probably miss a lot of spoken gems. Why is it that NOBODY can do ANYTHING today...
  2. stig

    Tree felling vids

    It is the way catholics run dog sleds. Sledding and kneeling at the same time. Muslims do it the same way. But only if the sled is pointing towards mekka. British for the 6 point limbing method!
  3. stig

    Tree felling vids

    Blah, blah, blah..................the whole world isn't the PNW, Sean. Come work with me a season in the woods here, making stumps the required way and then sing your praises for full wrap. Same goes with the big dogs. I bought a pair, tried them and found them to be TOTALLY worthless when...
  4. stig

    Tree felling vids

    Nice. Pity it wasn't here. I had a call today from someone on the look out for a log like that. Man, I absolutely HATE those wedges. If they had a price for the shittiest wedges, those would win. I used them in Schweiz, back in the early 80es and just HATED them. Eventually I brought some steel...
  5. stig

    Tree felling vids

    Yup. Don't go climbing trees that are part way knocked over by storm, without a guy line.
  6. stig

    Tree felling vids

    You should probably write Graeme and tell him that. I'm sure he'd appreciate the advice.
  7. stig

    Tree felling vids

    Honestly, that video made me feel lucky that I have always been a faller. Put the trees on the ground, then let someone else deal with getting them to the deck.
  8. stig

    Tree felling vids

    Thanks for the explanation, Jay. Beautiful interior.
  9. stig

    Tree felling vids

    Got any pictures of those and what you've done with the wood, Jay? I'm ever anxious to learn about trees and wood, you know. Also looking at your work is always good.
  10. stig

    Tree felling vids

    Yes, those saws weren't cutting too well. I would have gone about that whole felling process differently, but they got them on the ground, so all is good.
  11. stig

    Tree felling vids

    I'm thinking Cryptomeria, not cedar ( Jay??) Never seen the "simultaneous cutting from both sides" trick before. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  12. stig

    Tree felling vids

    I never strip on the way up. Way too cold here.
  13. stig

    Tree felling vids

    Depends on what kind of clean up crew you have, I'd say. Got enough people, then flop it and let the leaf cutter ants have a fun day.
  14. stig

    Tree felling vids

    Yep, thanks for the explanation. I wondered why you hadn't cut the snipe deeper, but knowing why ( And taking a better look at the picture) it makes sense.
  15. stig

    Tree felling vids

    Nah, the asshole is me, saying that if you'd used a shorter bar, like any real logger would do, you would have been in the habit of cutting the face and hinge from both sides, and this would have never happened:D
  16. stig

    Tree felling vids

    Great, Stephen. If I hadn't ended up staying in Denmark, swear to god, I'd have come work for you. Love your area and the trees are really something. Also, I have a feeling, you'd make a good boss to work for.
  17. stig

    Tree felling vids

    Thank, I will. I'm just frigging with you, as usual.:D But not about your business. Man, it has taken off like a Saturn V rocket, looks like.
  18. stig

    Tree felling vids

    That was great, Willie. I can't believe how your operation has grown since I visited you. That is so good to see. Must be nice having a "Spotter" when doing a face cut. Maybe I should hire me one:lol:
  19. stig

    Tree felling vids

    The only time I don't bring the 150 up is when I know I'll be spear cutting a lot. Too slow for that IMO.
  20. stig

    Tree felling vids
