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  1. stig

    Tree felling vids

    I was going to say that, Burnham. Then I thought, nah.............Nobody here is going to understand it anyway.
  2. stig

    Tree felling vids

    That first one was nervewracking to watch. Hope yopu got paid well for that.
  3. stig

    Tree felling vids

    Just keep a thick enough hinge of both of them, then there should be no problem.
  4. stig

    Tree felling vids

    Except that it would have been a waste of time.
  5. stig

    Tree felling vids

    Jed, I really enjoyed that video. I would most likely have done it the same way, only set the tie-together rope somewhat higher. Nice and competently done except for that last stunt wint the hinge. Why even do that, the tree was going over and you had a rope around it so no chance of a barberchair.
  6. stig

    Tree felling vids

    Pete, I have a trick for you. When dealing with decayed Beech, try the patented Daniel Murphy micro face cut. Since Beech usually goes bad from inside out, you can mostly find some sound hinge wood if you only scratch the front of the tree. It looked to me like you might have had a working...
  7. stig

    Tree felling vids

    Man, you really need to practise knowing where your bar tip is without having to fondle it.
  8. stig

    Tree felling vids

    Sean, you are right about that. Not many loggers could be put in an ornamental garden and do a good job. I just happen to be able to do both. I've taught apprentices for 25 years or so. Makes me used to nit pick and one thing the logger part of me nit picks about is futzing around at the...
  9. stig

    Tree felling vids

    Yep, that one. Saw couldn't cut for shit and he was going ring around a rosy around the tree. I fail to see the skills in that. That hole" Cutting a little in one side, then cutting a little in the other, think she'll go over, No, then I'll do it again" is lack of skills. Decide how much of...
  10. stig

    Tree felling vids

    I'm a pro logger. That is how I judge stuff. To me, slow equals starving kids. Stupid, I know, but seeing somebody go from one side of the tree to the other so many times just makes me want to scream at him. I assume we are talking about the last tree? The dangling from a climb line forever...
  11. stig

    Tree felling vids

    But IMO took forever to do it.
  12. stig

    Tree felling vids

    Just don't use a scoped rifle for it. Sure way to join the half moon club. Don't ask me how I know:(
  13. stig

    Tree felling vids

    British humour?
  14. stig

    Tree felling vids

  15. stig

    Tree felling vids

    Is it possible that either you or nutball could get a new avatar. I can't tell you apart.
  16. stig

    Tree felling vids

    Viel Geschrei und wenig Wolle.
  17. stig

    Tree felling vids

    Nope. I remember another one very much like it, where the tree was more rotten. Probably getting to the age, where my memory is shot. All the chemicals they are pumping me full of probably don't help either. EDIT: I just searched for " Barberchair" and couldn't find the other one, so you are...
  18. stig

    Tree felling vids

    Yep. It is amazing what people will put on Youtube. That barberchair almost had him for breakfast. It could have been avoided so easily.
  19. stig

    Tree felling vids

    " The tree sat down on my saw and would not let me pull it out while it fell." Maybe cutting almost clear through the hinge on the compression side had something to do with that. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0"...
  20. stig

    Tree felling vids

    Borecutting is, of course, way overrated! <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>