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  1. stig

    Tree felling vids

    I thik we are i a softwood versus hardwood thing here. Tecniques that will work on softwood trees will not necessary work on hardwoods. They are a lot less forgiving.
  2. stig

    Tree felling vids

    SerioustreesAZ, You lost me, sorry. I can't figure out what either of those scenarios mean. Can you try to explain in a way that non English speakers can understand. My mental picture of the last one would result in a busted log and a bound up saw, so I surmise you mean something else than...
  3. stig

    Tree felling vids

    I think if a Polar bear ever made it to Louisiana, it would be too busy trying not to die from heat stroke to think of eating anybody.
  4. stig

    Tree felling vids

    You can easily see the physics in it, once it has been explained. Glad there was at least one person I didn't bore to death.:lol:
  5. stig

    Tree felling vids

    Man. I didn't even think of that. My only excuse is that the only bears we have here, Polar bears, will never be found in areas where trees grow. So the risk of being eaten by one while bucking a log is nil. Polar bears see humans as a food source, unlike Grizzly bears which will normally only...
  6. stig

    Tree felling vids

    Only place you wedge a cut open is when you have to cut a log that is laying on something you don't want to get your chain into, like a road surface, Then you cut from above, set wedges, cut till maybe a couple of inches from the bottom, then pound the crap out of the wedges. This will make the...
  7. stig

    Tree felling vids

    If you want to use wedges in a situation like that, Cut from above till the cut starts closing on your bar, maybe ream a bit if it happens too early ( Like with WAY more bind than he had) Set wedges, pound them in and simply finish your cut. The wedges will prevent the cut from pinching your...
  8. stig

    Tree felling vids

    Why? He has a tree blocking the log from hitting him. I simply don't get all the fiddling around with wedges and cutting and cutting. It is a simple log with top bind. Most loggers I know cut those 10 times a day or more. Do a reaming cut from the top, untill you can't keep your saw free, then...
  9. stig

    Tree felling vids

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Can someone explain to me what the danger is here, because I sure don't get it.
  10. stig

    Tree felling vids

    The infamous slanted back cut is back. I just love seeing that.:lol:
  11. stig

    Tree felling vids

    And neatly dressed! I tell the apprentices that when we work in the woods, they can be as scruffy looking as they feel like, but when we do arb work in somone's yard, they will damned well be dressed in the "uniform" we provide, and it will be clean. The "uniform" is simply Arbor wear clothes...
  12. stig

    Tree felling vids

    Exactly. Like cutting pulpwood. The romance of doing that fades fast once you do it for a living.
  13. stig

    Tree felling vids

  14. stig

    Tree felling vids

    Nicely done. I feel a bit silly, coming home from yet another day of logging, then watching a video of .......................logging:lol:
  15. stig

    Tree felling vids

    When you bore something like that, always use a reaming cut, to avoid being trapped. Any logger worth his salt knows that.
  16. stig

    Tree felling vids

    I remember someone pointing out that Euro type bore cutting tecniques would have negated the dangers of that tree barberchairing:D
  17. stig

    Tree felling vids

    I think if he'd set that wedge in the backcut as he was cutting, instead of letting the tree set back, it would have worked.
  18. stig

    Tree felling vids

    My thought exactly, Daniel. No stump shot at all. Pushing that low on a tall tre with no stump shot might make it go backwards. Look at the way he handles the saw when he "cleans out the horizontal kerf" does that look like someone who uses a saw like an extension of his body ( I tell my...
  19. stig

    Tree felling vids

    Which one of them? I see two Dutchmen. "Nice shot, Dave", indeed! If that fat, kneeling slug had been working like that in my forests, he would have been dead within the first week. He simply has no idea about felling trees. Also as previously said, not a single glance upwards.
  20. stig

    Tree felling vids

    I fail to see what it is good for?