Search results for query: *

  1. treebilly

    How'd it go today?

    Having a great long weekend. Besides the normal hiking and four wheeling when we go camping here, we rented a pontoon for the day over at the lake. John and I took all the kids fishing this morning and then the women joined us around noon for some lake time. Fun times had by all. Just chilling...
  2. treebilly

    How'd it go today?

    Removed a small bit dumbly planted Norway maple and pruned two more. These are considered invasive to many in my area. And these were planted as part of the allotment twenty plus years ago. They are all showing signs of girdling roots in the whole place. Made a few snips on a dogwood to get it...
  3. treebilly

    How'd it go today?

    Kind of looks like a type of snap ring in there. I know the box store type splitters are built to discourage repairs. It’s been a great day. Easy crane removals and then lots of work at the house. Kids all rode around on the four wheelers while the wife and I tended to the garden. Had hot...
  4. treebilly

    How'd it go today?

    Glad you enjoyed Kid Rock @cory. It’s been a good number of years since I saw him in concert. He puts on a great show. Also a somewhat interesting individual.
  5. treebilly

    How'd it go today?

    Having another great day enjoying the Great Smoky Mountains. We’ve done a lot of hiking which had great views with an abundance of wildlife. We did a good bit of swimming in the cold streams and rivers. It takes to long to load photos so those will have to wait. Just going to relax the rest...
  6. treebilly

    How'd it go today?

    I slept through the lights and when I was driving at three am they were long gone
  7. treebilly

    How'd it go today?

    $3500 job and a side job. I talked with her for a long time today and got her to settle for the bid price with a twenty percent gratuity. I had to tell her any more than that and I won’t deposit the check. I even talked to her son to make sure he knew about the situation. I don’t want to be...
  8. treebilly

    How'd it go today?

    Had a customer try to over pay by triple today. A very strange predicament. I personally couldn’t accept it. I’m still confused by it.
  9. treebilly

    How'd it go today?

    I don’t think I’d survive being 24 again. Damn near died several times in my twenties. Mostly doing twenty something stuff. I think I used up all my spare lives back then 😆
  10. treebilly

    How'd it go today?

    Well this must be the week for back injuries. I felt something go not right while rolling (sparring) last night and couldn’t sleep because of it. Pain is in the back but occurs when I tense up my abdominal muscles. Could’ve popped a rib out of place or just over exerted that group of muscles...
  11. treebilly

    How'd it go today?

    Frustrating day at work. Office oissed me off so I made the day miserable for one of them. He had to come out to my job and set up an app and then do everything for it and then come out after we finished so he could finish it up. I’m not a tech guy and I’m not about to try to figure it out on...
  12. treebilly

    How'd it go today?

    Well I got tired of being nagged so I shortened the grass today. So did the neighbor so we called it a draw. I also weed whacked and got the garden tilled up. Then (big surprise) it rained. Not terribly long but enough to be agitating. Finally some sort of seafood dinner boil that my wife...
  13. treebilly

    How'd it go today?

    Finally had a day without rain yesterday. To wet to do anything though. Got a few things done at around the house. My brother and his family came over for dinner and I talked him into helping split wood for an hour. We knocked out a good chunk of the pile. I’m going to stack after breakfast...
  14. treebilly

    How'd it go today?

    A great week end here. Wife and I went out to dinner last night and my F-I-L kept the kids. This morning was a good work out plus I ran 2&1/2 miles. Then my wife wanted to take the dogs for a walk so I loaded 40 pounds in the back pack and hiked a mile with her. Then checked off some things on...
  15. treebilly

    How'd it go today?

    @cory. You are correct sir. Or I might be in better shape for it.
  16. treebilly

    How'd it go today?

    Or just tell everyone to stay away. Some of the guys at work must think I’m a walking germ. Every time they approach I tell them I might be sick and they should keep their distance.😆 Good day at work even though we were up in Cleveland. Lots of picks with a terrible lay down area. Had to bring...
  17. treebilly

    How'd it go today?

    Had a good Easter weekend. Hit the gym for BJJ early Saturday morning and then a good day at the woodpile plus time with the kids. Sunday was all family. Ate to much as always. Then rained out for Monday. Getting ready to hit the wood pile again.
  18. treebilly

    How'd it go today?

    Should have been a rain day but to much to be done for that nonsense. My crew serviced our trucks and then went out for a quick removal. I love these last minute emergency trees. Ended up soaked. There is now a giant puddle in my garage where my saw pants and sweatshirt are hanging. Actually we...
  19. treebilly

    How'd it go today?

    No water. Well maybe a few small wetlands. All these trees are threatening roadway and power lines. Someone with a degree got to choose the hazard removals. I don’t agree with some of his choices but he is on call if I strongly disagree. These trees have been an ongoing issue between the park...
  20. treebilly

    How'd it go today?

    Today we went to the Y camp and removed 10 tall wild cherry trees. They’re getting a new septic system and these would’ve had the bases buried with backfill. Septic system for this camp is quite impressive. Two weeks ago they could’ve all been flopped but since the field was installed we had to...