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  1. Knotorious

    The Tree ID Thread

    ...correctly identifies this tree gets an imaginary gold star and I'll even allow you to pat yourself on the back! (I really know how to incentivize! *sarcasm*) Thank you in advance to anyone with the cognitive fortitude to correctly ID this weirdo conifer. I mean, I'm guessing it's a conifer...
  2. Knotorious

    The Biking Thread

    Glasses are a pain in the ass when a) it's humid and your lenses fog up, b) it's raining and raindrops cover your lenses, c) whenever you're looking down for a prolong period of time and they start to slide off, d) when you're sweating and droplets fall on your lenses, e) when you lose them, or...
  3. CurSedVoyce

    Northern California Fires

    No word yet, though it will be investigated thorough. Suspicion of fire works is rumoring around. I smelled something like electrical or trash before we left for the lake. Would not surprise me some one was burning trash up there. No facts will come to light for a while I'm afraid We go through...
  4. Treeaddict

    Northern California Fires

    Dang, Stephen! It seems like you just went through this. I’m sorry to see it’s happening again. They don’t know the source of the blaze? 4th of July makes fireworks suspect I presume.
  5. Treeaddict

    The Biking Thread

    When I got home, I took my helmet off and bowed my head. 2-3 drops of sweat per second came pouring down from my buff. Last weekend, humidity was 85% and in the woods in a valley with a running stream it was noticeably more. I now bring a few Kleenex in a dry pouch in my backpack to keep glasses...
  6. Tree09

    The New Offical Mutts of the House thread

    Hell I'm happy if i remembered the flash if i needed it :lol:
  7. lxskllr

    The Biking Thread

    Nasty day for biking. I went out to get the mail, and that was enough :^D
  8. Treeaddict

    The Biking Thread

    Hit trails hard yesterday and today. I usually ride 4 times a week and lay down 10 miles each time. Id like to have some unlimited time to just pump out 5 hours worth of riding. I’ve done that once before the first day I got the new bike but ive gotten a lot stronger and skilled since then. I...
  9. CurSedVoyce

    Northern California Fires

    Hearing from the lines, that even though contained only shows 20 percent, it is just a matter of finishing the lines, hitting hot spots, mopping up and doing some monitoring.
  10. SeanKroll

    Northern California Fires

    Good news. Fingers crossed!
  11. CurSedVoyce

    Northern California Fires

    Thanks mang.
  12. chris_girard

    1950's Logging Safety Documentary

    I definitely agree with you! What they thought was safe in the 1950's would for sure be considered unsafe in this day and age.
  13. Kaveman

    Northern California Fires

    Good luck Stephen.
  14. lxskllr

    1950's Logging Safety Documentary

    Lotta work! Safety was mentioned numerous times. I'm thinking "That doesn't look very safe" :^D Very chaotic work environment. Looks like it to me anyway. I'm used to well groomed construction sites. Even when things are a mess, it's luxurious compared to moving logs off a hillside.
  15. Knotorious

    In The News...

    Bruh. Wait til you read what she did to try and help the victim. What a fruit loop. She went full Lorena Bobbit...
  16. chris_girard

    1950's Logging Safety Documentary

    That's really cool!
  17. Gypo

    1950's Logging Safety Documentary

    Finley was a crack up. Never met him, but I read his stuff for years. Dad was actually in Loggers World, in an issue from the mid 70s. He was a young buck cutting timber with Kenny Parnell. Kenny was the bullbuck for Christian if I remember it right.
  18. davidwyby

    How'd it go today?

    It starts out 80 aand 70% here. Later in summer will be more humid. Midday isn’t too bad if you’re not in the sun. 105 and drier. Later afternoon is a furnace.
  19. CurSedVoyce

    Northern California Fires

    More hot spots and spot fires. From my camp chair out front.
  20. CurSedVoyce

    How'd it go today?
