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  1. rangerdanger

    Need some evaluation help.

    Hey guys, need some help evaluating this Ohio Buckeye tree that was struck by lightning. It has two visible horizontal cracks about 10ft and 15ft off the ground. The tree itself is near 80' tall and 36" DBH. Wondering how safe you think this tree is to climb off of, or at the very least, rig off...
  2. rangerdanger

    Misc. Gear

    Have some misc. gear for sale. Photos will be added tomorrow. 1. CMI 5/8" Steel Block, lightly used, but still looks new- $75 SOLD 2. 140' of Blaze, climbed on maybe 15 or 20 times-$65 3. 8ft Aluminum Ring/Ring Friction Saver, made out of Blue Streak, never used or climbed on-$60 4. ART...
  3. rangerdanger

    Planning a road trip

    Hey guys, just wanted to get some research started about a road trip I want to do sometime in the near future. After talking to the Limbwalker crew, I think this could be a great learning experience for me, and give me a broad perspective of how other tree care companies operate, and the chance...
  4. rangerdanger

    Gear for Sale

    Hey guys, I'm working on going through all my gear right now and I'm coming up with some extra goodies that I no longer need. Thought I would pass them on to others who would use them more. Don't have pics just yet, but I can put them up or email them if so desired. This is an ongoing thing...
  5. rangerdanger

    The Singing Tree Rope Wrench

    Hey guys, thought I would share this new awesome piece of gear designed by Kevin Bingham!! This is the guy that I believed pioneered SRT for working the tree, not just for ascent. He created the Fate Revolver System, and a few years later, he has refined that system into this: <object...
  6. rangerdanger

    Pilot's License, how hard to obtain?

    I know one or two guys on here have a pilot's license. Wondering how hard it is to obtain one. A friend of a friend has one here, and he fly's to various places in a small plane he owns. Got me thinking about getting one and flying back and forth from KY to MA instead of driving(if that's...
  7. rangerdanger

    Living in MA questions

    I have some questions for those of you who live in MA. Around June of next year I'll be moving up to MA to establish in state residence. After I do that, I plan on enrolling in Stockbridge for their arboriculture program. Anyways, I'm hyped about moving up there, but Mom has many reservations...
  8. rangerdanger

    Car Buying Question

    Hey guys, had a quick car buying question for ya. I'll be moving away to Amherst, MA around June of next year, and before I leave, I'm going to buy a new car(part of the deal with Mom, she doesn't like my current vehicle for long distance travel). I've been looking into Honda Elements, because...
  9. rangerdanger

    Loaner Unicender Thread

    I went looking for the Unicender thread Burnham started about the loaner uni that he's been floating around. I've had it for a few weeks now and haven't used it a ton. I think I'm just too set on hitch's to gain the full benefits of the Uni. I mean, it's great for SRT, being able to ascend and...
  10. rangerdanger

    Halo: Reach

    Don't know how many gamers there are on this forum, but I thought I would just make a quick post saying how AWESOME8)8)8) Halo: Reach is. I've had it for a few hours, and been playing with some friends, and I have to say, this game trumps everything out there. To date, the greatest Halo game...
  11. rangerdanger

    Website help

    Hey guys, wondering if I could get some help with some website questions. I'm trying to figure out how to start: A: A website for Treemendous Tree Care Inc.(our company) B: A personal website for gear reviews, tech reviews, photos, stuff like that.(may use Apple MobileMe to host this site...
  12. rangerdanger

    The CMI EXPTWIN Ascender

    For those that are interested, I shot and uploaded my video of the new CMI EXPTWIN Ascenders. Since we lost the posts in the OCGD thread regarding this topic, I thought I would just start a new topic over on the new forum. Here it is: <object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie"...
  13. rangerdanger

    First comp tips??

    Alright, I'm starting to flip out a bit. I've decided that if we can make it down to the TN comp on the 24th, then I'm going to compete. I don't think I'll be able to do the foot lock, but if I can, so much the better. Anyways, looking for any tips that can be had from others that have...
  14. rangerdanger

    How many own a 200' climb line??

    Curious as too how many climbers own a 200' climb line and how often it gets used. Around here 150' seems to suffice, but there are some real giants where a 200' would be required.
  15. rangerdanger

    150' Velocity for sale

    I have an almost brand new hank of Velocity hot for sale. It's only been climbed on twice, and it still looks brand new. Looking for $110 or best offer. For an extra $10 I'll splice it to whatever you specify.
  16. rangerdanger

    May be heading down to Raleigh, NC

    Dad got a call from a new friend asking if he could make it down to Raleigh, NC for a few days in 3 or 4 weeks. Looks like we may be heading down there, but it's all still up in the air. But figured I'd post this to get an idea of an NC guys near there.
  17. rangerdanger

    Climbing/Cutting questions

    With all the time I spend in school, espically in study hall, my mind wanders and I get to thinking about various aspects of tree climbing and cutting and I've come up with a few questions. First, on a horizontal limb, or mostly horizontal. If I'm trying to swing it sideways with a face cut...
  18. rangerdanger

    KY TCC

    Posting here for anyone on the house that plans on coming down to the KY TCC in Lexington, KY. I know Wagnaw talked about coming up. Anyone else??
  19. rangerdanger

    Gear purchase question

    Don't know if this thread belongs here or not but here it goes. Since I've started getting serious about climbing and work, I've bought all my own climbing gear. Ropes, saddles, etc. As far as rigging goes, I haven't gotten into that at all, because we don't do that much technical stuff. But...
  20. rangerdanger

    192T chain??

    Hey guys, I'm curious on chain combos for the 192T. Right now it runs the .043 or .044 gauge chain, but I'm wondering if I can up it to the .50 gauge all our other climbing saws run. I know I would have to change out the sprocket, but I don't know how the saw would handle pulling the larger...