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  1. simplypete


    Lesson learned. I was merely posting my learning process. Thanks everyone for your input.
  2. simplypete


    I think your right. Although I did wedge it off it's natural favor. What I attempted was to alter the fall, mid way through.
  3. simplypete


    Stig, I did. Not gun it more to the left because the eave. What I was trying to do is fall it along the eave then swing in under it. But it didn't work out and I still got a good fall only had to walk a little farther to the chipper.
  4. simplypete


    Like I said above with the tree species I think it was asking a lot with the brittle nature of sub alpine fir. Anywho, I'll try again sometime when the situation presents itself.
  5. simplypete


    For those that care about the building. It is scheduled for demo. So if I hit it, no big deal. Stig, I think putting a much smaller face in height would have gotten better results for what I was trying for. I was trying to swing it up under the eave there at the corner of the house. As it...
  6. simplypete


    Here is a few Picts. I was trying to get it to land a bit more to the left.
  7. simplypete


    I attempted a whizzy today and found out that if you make too big a face and the tree gains too much momentum it will blow right through and fall to the lay. Of course it had been rather cold and it was a sub alpine fir(not stellar hinge wood). I gunned it between the corner of a house to be...
  8. simplypete

    Let's Hear It For 3 Strand!

    I have learned to splice it. Flip line, rope pulling and friction saver. I bought a roll and have half of it left for future needs.
  9. simplypete

    Minimalist SRT base-tie, single biner, lowerable

    Hmm. That's inventive. Did you come up with that? I wonder about the resetting of the mule with weight of a climber. Seems like it would cinch down pretty tight and give the injured climber a bit of a bounce.
  10. simplypete

    Keurig coffee

    That looks like the way to go with those things. Not those sealed up single serving deals.
  11. simplypete

    Keurig coffee

    Buy a espresso machine. Drink less coffee and buy beans at costco. It's a win win.
  12. simplypete

    Lynch Station, Virginia

    What a nice time of year for that trip. Looks like you got some cool colors coming out of the south.
  13. simplypete

    Lynch Station, Virginia

    Can vouch for Utah as well. I fought wildfire on that stretch of desert between the copper mine and the state line. Nothing out there but a weapons incinerator and dugway proving grounds. A few three horned antelopes. Fighting fire in that desert was a real kick. We lit a lot of back fires...
  14. simplypete

    Lynch Station, Virginia

    Cool. I can vouch for Illinois, it's flatter than a pancake.
  15. simplypete

    Tree ID, Idaho Locust?

    The thorns are the type to remove pronto. Otherwise your finger will swell rather quickly.
  16. simplypete

    Lynch Station, Virginia

    That hot spring looks well worth the stop. How's the new rig drive?
  17. simplypete

    Who's got a porta-ledge? Who's got a Tree Boat?

    That sounds like a hoot.
  18. simplypete

    Tree Mushrooms

    Stig, do you have an edible boletus variety over there? They are a very tasty and large growing here. Known locally as the king bolete. Boletus edulis.
  19. simplypete

    Tree Mushrooms

    I am currently reading "Mycelium Running". I had no idea about the connection that all living creatures have with mushrooms. Seems we are all connected by a single strand of mycelium. There are thousands of species and miles of network in a single square inch of soil. Trees would not exist...