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  • Users: vharrison
  • Content: Threads
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  1. vharrison

    After the Fire

    As some of you read, we had a fire on our island that destroyed a local musician's house. The community came together and raised over $ 20,000.00 dollars for him and he is doing well. We went to the restaurant he plays at and heard him tonight. One of the issues the fire raised is that we don't...
  2. vharrison

    Do you lock your doors?

    Just recently we started locking the door at our house. Last night, John's and my truck got vandalized at our house. They were not locked and I left my key in mine. Nothing of value to steal, they just went through the glove box and left them a mess. We called the coppers just so they would know...
  3. vharrison

    Golden Doodle Our little town shut down a puppy mill on Saturday. We can hardly believe this was happening here, but it was. Now, our little Dog Shelter is overwhelmed. They have rescued about 48 dogs, mostly puppies. If you might be interested adopting one, let...
  4. vharrison

    Modzilla Firefox

    Is anyone using this instead of Internet Explorer? My tech guy said this is a safer way to surf the internet.
  5. vharrison


    We are back on line!
  6. vharrison

    Happy Father's Day

    Happy Father's Day to all you fine TreeHouse Dad's! Have a great day with your family! :)
  7. vharrison

    Gas Surcharge?

    Is anyone charging a gas surcharge per bid? We are working on the numbers right now, and considering it. :O It is a tough calculation because you are not trying to recoup the entire gas bill, that is already part of doing business. It is just the difference, say, from what you were paying a year...
  8. vharrison

    How Much Do You Pay To Go To The Movies?

    Just curious if the price is different in different parts of the world.
  9. vharrison

    Trip Advisor This is a great site if you are planning a trip or a vacation. I participate on the Florida Keys Forum and woke up this morning and they have made me a Destination Expert for Marathon! I am very honored!
  10. vharrison

    I'm Back!

    So, you went on a little vacation? Post your trip pictures here. OTG, you go first!
  11. vharrison

    Looking for a Box Truck

    We are looking to replace one of our box trucks. Looking for a manual transmission, diesel, air brakes, large box 16 or bigger. 2005 or newer. Ya'll know of anything?
  12. vharrison

    Fishing Tournaments

    The World Sailfish Tournament is happening in Key West today and ends up on Saturday. The first day of fishing, there were 235 sailfish caught and released. By 10 this morning, 89 have been caught and released. The guy I am fishing with on...
  13. vharrison

    Dreadful News
  14. vharrison

    This is BIZARRE :what:
  15. vharrison

    Freeze Ahead Dinner

    :? Any ideas? My folks are heading down next weekend and I would like to pre cook a meal or two so I don't have to spend so much time in the kitchen while they are here. I always do lasagna and it is still yummy after being frozen.
  16. vharrison

    Another Crane Collapes

    Happened in Miami, 2 people have died. :(,2933,341468,00.html
  17. vharrison

    Midwest Flooding

    Any TreeHousers being affected by the floods? If so, my heart goes out to you.
  18. vharrison

    Identify This!

    The main reason for the thread is, why would the bloom be dropping off so soon? Only reason I can think of is to much water? Leon, have you seen this one before?
  19. vharrison

    Spring Forward

    Don't forget to set your clocks up before you go to bed tonight!
  20. vharrison

    Fire Extinguisher

    Just a reminder to check your fire extinguishers, make sure they are up to date. We had a small fire on our chipper last week and thankfully they were up to date and the fire was extinguished with no damage.