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  • Users: stig
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  1. stig

    What Did Ya'll Have For Dinner Tonight?

    That sounds lovely. Even to a vegetarian. I made lasagne. Since it is hardly more work to make several, I made 5 extra for the freezer.
  2. stig

    O.C.G.D. Thread, part two

    We should hold a competition between Kyle and knotcase, who can make the post with most words. Knotty, the problem, as I see it, is that you, an out of shape rec-climber, go on the net and pass yourself off as a teacher. Hence my calling you a new Murphy . In case you don't know, Murphy is, to...
  3. stig

    Tree felling vids

    It looked cool. Real treeman, you know.
  4. stig

    O.C.G.D. Thread, part two

    No, to teach. The new Murphy.
  5. stig

    O.C.G.D. Thread, part two

    But then you are not a rec climber. In it for the fun of it. And for telling the work climbers how to do it. With 2 billion knots🤪
  6. stig

    How'd it go today?

    I had my half year leuchemia check up today. Apparently I'll have to find some other way to die. Lil' ol' blood cancer ain't up to the job😄
  7. stig

    How'd it go today?

    You are a Pratched fan, wonderful! Sure didn't expect that. I did the math on my custom Wesco boots, which with shipping and all are more than 500 bucks. As long as they kast with a half price rebuild, they end up being cheaper than euro logging boots.
  8. stig


    Which means the spectrum is way too broad and way too easy to use as an excuse for just being an idiot.
  9. stig

    The Official TreeHouse Martial Arts Thread!

    I spent a week training with a BJJ instructor 20 years ago. American, former wrestlng World champion. He told me that a friend had invited him to come train in his BJJ dojo. So he showed up, full of himself, World champion and all, and they had him roll with a green belt,.........! Who tied him...
  10. stig

    The Official Critter Thread

  11. stig

    In The News...

    I love how something " alledgedly" can set y'all off. Also, in my" innocent till proven guilty" stupid commie country, an article like that with full name and picture, ruining a potentially innocent life, because of "alledgedly",would kill the "news" source posting it.
  12. stig

    The Rolls Royce of back pack sprayers

    Synthetic pyrethroid. Axiendo 2,5 WG. Each tree gets a squirt. I walk 12-15000 steps a day.
  13. stig

    How'd it go today?

    Also known as Imelda Marcos syndrome.
  14. stig

    The Official Critter Thread

    Here is a critter, we came across at work today:
  15. stig

    The Rolls Royce of back pack sprayers

    I spend about a month each year spraying herbicide and especially killing Giant Pine Weevils. We planted 140,000 trees this fall/spring and they all need to be sprayed. Been using all kinds of sprayers over the years with varying degrees of dissatisfaction. We tried Stihl last year. The price...
  16. stig

    Tree felling vids

    No way he could have foreseen that. None what so ever.
  17. stig

    Wildlife reintroduction in PNW , Grizzly Bear ... really ?

    Thing is Gypo, I simply don't like people much. Much prefer animals. I live in a country with no large predators, so the deer population is sky high and stupid city folks can blunder around in the woods with no consequences.
  18. stig

    Wildlife reintroduction in PNW , Grizzly Bear ... really ?

    Said reason being stupidity.
  19. stig

    What Did Ya'll Have For Dinner Tonight?

    I made some roasted vegetables with the Old Bay spice, that John sent me. With Couscous and a salad.
  20. stig

    Tree felling vids

    Looks like armillaria.