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  • Users: stig
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  1. stig

    How'd it go today?

    I also gave the dog a bath. Nice, clean and fluffy...............for a short while, any way.
  2. stig

    How'd it go today?

    First day of summer. I drained and cleaned the hottub and shut down and cleaned the wood burning furnace. In Iceland they have a name for it: Sumardagurinn fyrsti.
  3. stig

    Tree felling vids

    Been there, done that, got the t-shirt.
  4. stig

    Wildlife reintroduction in PNW , Grizzly Bear ... really ?

    So you are not fat, either. Lordy, my whole understanding of the World is falling apart.
  5. stig

    Wildlife reintroduction in PNW , Grizzly Bear ... really ?

    Reminds me of a discussion I had with a guy on the Danish Woodturner's forum about Cyanoacrylate glue. He figured that because it had Cyano in it's name, and cyanide was an ingredient in Cyclone B gas ( Used by ol' Adolph to gas jews, for those ignorant of history) it must be pure poison. I...
  6. stig

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    I thought you were going to climb on that rope, in SRT ascent. TIP= Tie in point. I made a typo. Now yoiu know why I screamed: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! at the computer.
  7. stig

    Tree felling vids

    Protocol here is : " Run, Forest, run!!!!" Just get the hell out of Dodge when it goes. When I start clearing an escape path before falling a tree, my apprentices know, some heavy shit is going to come down.
  8. stig

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    That first picture: I thought it was a TP and was going NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. stig

    Tree Swing - Rope and Anchor Tie

    I have been called in to remove probably close to a dozen over the years, by the State forest. Worst one was over a cliff by the sea, with a 50 foot fall onto boulders. In a scetchy tree, no less. I looked down while I was up there and thought of Darwin. As in: " WHAT THE FUG WHERE THEY...
  10. stig

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    We finished spraying for Giant Pine Weevils. No more 12000 step days with a backpack sprayer. Now we are dealing with Bracken Fern with scythes............and it is warm. Got a shitload of logging lined up for summer, that helps :)
  11. stig

    What Did Ya'll Have For Dinner Tonight?

    Yep, you can buy Pizza topping here, that never came out of a cow. I'd post an ingredient list if any of you were fluent in Danish.
  12. stig

    milling thread

    Nah, ground up asphalt is the stuff to use. Sets real tight on a hot day plus, no dust.
  13. stig

    Bird Watching!

    We must have been working in a migrating corridor today. Had some hundred Barnacle Geese passing on their way to Svalbard ( I know that, because the Greenland corridor is further to the west) 6 Honey Buzzards on the way to Sweden and an Eagle on the way to god only knows.
  14. stig

    How'd it go today?

    Unlike L.A. which doesn't have smog at all.
  15. stig

    Bird Watching!

    That is the one I use.
  16. stig

    O.C.G.D. Thread, part two

    "An experienced tree climber" Compared to who, exactly? You are hanging with some of the top people in the treeclimbing business, here. Apparently you consider yourself an equal, who can go on Youtube and teach "how to climb". We have many members here who have been climbing trees way longer...
  17. stig

    How'd it go today?

    A couple of years ago I totally thrashed my anno 1846 apple tree in order to keep it from disintegrating. Posted pictures here and I think Sean suggested that I put some struts under it. Well, the farrier's horse and the shoemaker's kids and all that. Finally got around to it.
  18. stig

    What Are You Drinking Tonight?

    Good that you like them, John. Eventually I'll find the rarest one and send it to you. Made from the fermented and distilled roots of blue Gentian. There are only 2 small distilleries in Schweiz that still make it. No luck so far, but eventually I'll find it.
  19. stig

    Branch walking, how do you do it?

    I just let the apprentices do them.
  20. stig

    Songs I Like

    This is absolutely excellent! Really kicks off at 5.30.