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  1. Burnham

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    A fixed position rope will usually stay in your groove, even if you swing a bit off of 90 degrees to it. But a moving rope has far more potential to climb out of that groove, especially if you get offline of that 90 degrees...WAY more. Sure, lanyarded in is wise, and usually would offer you...
  2. Burnham

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    And for me, Jed...I have done and would again, set my rappel just as you picture...IF (and it's a big fooking if) I am rapping out on doubled line, both ends on the ground, with a rescue 8 or Q...i.e. no moving rope. Even then, one must be really cognizant of your position, and be careful to...
  3. Burnham

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Alrighty then :D.
  4. Burnham

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    All of you boys, over these last several postings, are knocking it in the head. Nice work, everyone.
  5. Burnham

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    A lucky bunch, for true. So glad to hear it, me.
  6. Burnham

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Glad it wasn't you, Jed...and sad it happened to any treefolk. How bad are the injuries, and the damage?
  7. Burnham

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Me too, Cory...why that comment came to mind so readily.
  8. Burnham

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Oh frig, Paul. So sorry to read this.
  9. Burnham

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Looks like an elephant of a tree. Huge. Well done, sir.
  10. Burnham

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Your crane is beyond magnificent, Paul. Amazing piece of kit.
  11. Burnham

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Our planet has way too many domestic cats, tame and feral, for the good of small wildlife. Though I probably would benefit from a mouser or three that liked to hang out under my vehicles :).
  12. Burnham

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    I'm exhausted just thinking about it :D.
  13. Burnham

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Do it, Fi.
  14. Burnham

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Even then, I'd think. Around here, small roads and driveways are the rule.
  15. Burnham

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    In my experiences of being the paddle-ball, one of the most damaging things was the whanging around of the chainsaw on the end of my arm. I think I did a bit of hurt to my right elbow a couple of times. It never has been quite right since.
  16. Burnham

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    I rather suspect heavy impact to the chest...not much question as to how I come to this conclusion :). Playing the role of paddle-ball with a tree bole is not my idea of fun. Hurts to watch...reminds me of a few really badly roped pieces I had to endure.
  17. Burnham

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

  18. Burnham

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Well, yes...and that is a baddie on any scale Kyle, when having to deal with it working. But perhaps it is just my default position for hating on invasives in general, but I think English ivy is far the worst.
  19. Burnham

    The Official Work Pictures Thread there any other mothereffin' kind? :D
  20. Burnham

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Well, we can see that Brett is a stupid lazy bastid that never would even hit a snake if it was fixin' to strike...we all know this now. :P;) On the other hand, Sean's lady friend's dog is obviously pushing our friend to work really hard on those bids...:D. Conclusion: dogs are always working...