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  1. pantheraba

    In The News...

    The General Sherman tree
  2. pantheraba

    In The News...

    That could get interesting. Looks like quite the hack.
  3. pantheraba

    In The News...

    It is interesting...if the gorillas had been vaccinated they would have produced their own antibodies to fight the virus. The vaccines (at least the Pfizer and Moderna) are lab-produced. "A monoclonal antibody is a laboratory-produced protein that functions like the antibodies made by the...
  4. pantheraba

    In The News...

    It was going to be a shitshow no matter what. Biden did what had to be done. Things could always be done better but that's hindsight. At least he finally gtf out of there.
  5. pantheraba

    In The News...

    Like I said...I could have told them it was going to be a major cluster f**k when they decided to pull out. They have had many MONTHS to get those interpreters and families out of there...too late for many now. It's a death sentence and we won't even know it happened for a lot of them. The...
  6. pantheraba

    In The News...

    I heard the press conference today... the Pentagon spokesman was a quick talker... A lot of obfuscation and not wanting to call it a possible rout.
  7. pantheraba

    In The News...

    Totally reminds me of how we ended up getting out of Vietnam. The military is saying it's just a quick extraction of diplomatic personnel without admitting they're scrambling to get them out of there before they're slaughtered by the Taliban.
  8. pantheraba

    In The News...

    That's funny. I asked for extra chips...I figure they are kind of like sprinkles. :D
  9. pantheraba

    In The News...'s too late...if you're vaxxed you are chipped. My cousin's daughter is a nurse...when her husband asked him why he got ill with his 2nd Pfizer shot she said that was normal...that's when the chip is attaching to the bone. Get past that and you are golden. :D
  10. pantheraba

    In The News...

    Wait a minute... This idea is from the guy that invented the life support mechanism I use in a tree?? :O
  11. pantheraba

    In The News...

    Classic rescue. I was a lifeguard for years. This was done perfectly.
  12. pantheraba

    In The News...

    FBI...a friend of mine named his home wifi "FBI Van"...that's what pops up on his neighbor's wifi connect list when they search. Pretty ingenious, I thought.
  13. pantheraba

    In The News...

    Madness. 1981 was not very long ago. The KKK was and is an evil group. Interesting that a judge helped his mother refine her suit against the KKK and she won...had something to do with it being an "agency" which made it responsible for its members' actions. Wonder how "agency" applies to...
  14. pantheraba

    In The News...

    Nah....with that logic you could argue that a Nazi swastika is just lines drawn together. Symbols have power and meaning.
  15. pantheraba

    In The News...

    When AJ first came out I thought they were a mouthpiece for the Taliban or a terrorist organization. I have been turning to them lately for their perspective on issues...what I have seen from AJ is realistic, basic reporting of news and events.
  16. pantheraba

    In The News...

    Medulla oblongata...stops everything after you track them down.
  17. pantheraba

    In The News...

    Go for it. You can have your own conspiracy following. It might be cool.
  18. pantheraba

    In The News...

    I think that sometimes things ARE stretched from just normal, people that "DGAF and doing stuff"... to conspiracy. Attributing some things to conspiracy is giving dumb fak's way too much credit for being smart enough to manage a conspiracy.
  19. pantheraba

    In The News...

    John makes sense. Obviously the way we're doing it is not working. I have my fair share of weapons and also shoot a fair amount. Back in the late '70s I went through an extensive background check so I could purchase a Mac. It's been fun to own over the years and has not caused any problems to...
  20. pantheraba

    In The News...

    Wait...didn't Burnham recently're not talking about him, are you??? :evil: