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    In The News...

    Yes this bullshit is in my home town. We were supposed to do a job yesterday which was 6 blocks from where the car ran into folks. I rescheduled​and did it today. Cops everywhere. I don't give two hoots about the statue of the history. However I think these violent demonstrations will happen...

    In The News...

    That would be your loss. I have black friends and also 3 black adopted cousins in England. I don't support the views of a lot of folks on here on a lot of subjects however we are all tree guys and are allowed the latitude to express our views in a somewhat civilized manner. If you cant see past...

    In The News...

    They do Brian, they then pick grapes for Trump and he then sends them back before paying them:lol: Trump vineyards called me up to do some removals, since Im an immigrant and he has a history of stiffing contractors I think I will pass

    In The News...

    Right now the cops are the cartels. Don't try traveling with money as they will take it at gunpoint even though you have done nothing wrong. They take peoples houses and vehicles who have committed no crimes. Cops make shit money so they just steal.

    In The News...

    For now

    In The News...

    I found this to be a really good read. America better take note as I think the wealth inequality has a huge amount to do with this.

    In The News...

    We should start a thread about the dumbest shit we have done.....

    In The News...

    Back in the England I remember you were either polite or tough. Be rude , get slapped. I wish it was like that here.

    In The News...

    Mick I just read that and now my head just hurts. So if I read it right the new Taliban leader is getting next years Nobel ???
  10. PCTREE

    In The News...

    I heard the tree and been deemed only safe to do with a crane and then some jackleg tried to do it without one and sent a 20 year old up there to his death.
  11. PCTREE

    In The News...

    what stuff like tree climbing ??
  12. PCTREE

    In The News...

    Back in the day I raced motorcycles. I raced heavyweight super bikes. My mechanic was a cool dude, crazy old dump truck driver that had an IQ through the roof and could shoot the balls of a knat at 1000 yards. He apprenticed at cummins as a diesel mechanic. He always schooled me on how to treat...
  13. PCTREE

    In The News...

    Don't yaal worry, there's a war headed to you soon. Hugely effective method of population control. Not going to be great for the critters though
  14. PCTREE

    In The News... A strange ray of justice?? Probably not just a politician wowing votes
  15. PCTREE

    In The News...

    Shouldn't be cops then
  16. PCTREE

    In The News...

    They should have locked his ass up for making false statements. At some point the truth has to matter.
  17. PCTREE

    In The News...

    I thought stoners were supposed to be non violent?
  18. PCTREE

    In The News...

    I think we should ban big trucks. Trucks kill people, wish he just had a gun, never would have killed that many with just a gun
  19. PCTREE

    In The News...

    The age of misinformation......
  20. PCTREE

    In The News...

    I just don't get it?? so they are trying to come up with some complicated system to track everybody's millage and then adjust the values to how clean your vehicle runs, doesn't taxing the fuel pretty much do all of that without any intrusion into anybodies privacy??