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    In The News...

    Maybe you’re vote for which of 2 eligible candidates can add up.. however who the frig wants to vote for either of the money grabbing assclowns. What I really mean it has been proven that there can be an overwhelming majority vote for any given issue and if a cooperation has a vested interest...

    In The News...

    Statistically it’s worth 0% flawed democracy is what we have been classified

    In The News...

    I'm not good at explaining my thoughts. Have you noticed how kids have kinda given up? 20 year olds still living at home with no thought of getting out. I feel something is very wrong right now but can't vocalize it. There's just no optimism any more. Maybe it's just me .

    In The News...

    I wonder if the kids are picking up on the stress their parents are under to make ends meet and the general assumption that financially we are all doomed so are becoming antisocial. Must be weird being a kid and having to worry about getting shot up, never a consideration for me.. I personally...

    In The News...

    I don't know. A 50 year old rifle most likely isn't a semi right? I have a Savage target rifle in 308 which has a 1\4 moa so is deadly as frig to one person,. It holds 4 rounds so could be bad for 4 in capable hands , it is a bolt action for accuracy. I also have a Keltek RFB which is a semi...

    In The News...

    He had also been to counseling, does seem odd he was still allowed access to firearms ...

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    Sad . I hope his family is well taken care of

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    Total joke, more of a jab at Kevin FYI, frig aesthetics

    In The News...

    Jed I never had you pegged as a pussy:lol:
  10. PCTREE

    In The News...

    Cory you think too much man
  11. PCTREE

    In The News...

    Justin I'm surprised you are against legalizing drugs with your opinion on self responsibility. I say let them have whatever they want and stop all the senseless millions spent on preventing it. If they die it was their choice and we need population control anyhow.
  12. PCTREE

    In The News...

    Maybe and she will be out of $1000s . Crazy system
  13. PCTREE

    In The News... Another example of our government fooking it up.....
  14. PCTREE

    In The News...

    Like I said, free drugs for all!
  15. PCTREE

    In The News...

    Mick they make the system.
  16. PCTREE

    In The News...

    Skwerl , so you think it's ok that the rich have made a law that requires me to pay $2700 for health insurance that basically won't pay for anything?
  17. PCTREE

    In The News...

    I don't think everyone should be equal, but maybe give us a chance by not letting the elite make all the rules in their favor might be nice....
  18. PCTREE

    In The News...

    I just read an interesting article about Blagovitch, the dbag that got busted for trying to sell Obama's seat and tons of other documented cases of him selling political favors . He is appealing his conviction and the analysis of the appeal found that the majority of his convictions are now...
  19. PCTREE

    In The News...

    There have been numerous studies done that show as population density of mice increase so does the aggressive and antisocial behavior. I don't think it helps that the wealth inequality is growing and society judges people by their possessions. I also have a theory that this anti violence trend...
  20. PCTREE

    In The News...

    That's the whole point, they have to keep bringing up racist shit in the media and keep this shit going. If the population isn't fighting itself it may look at the 1%. I don't know if a non violent approach is going to help us with this, hope so, just don't know how. We need a completely fresh...