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    In The News...

    Yup thanks, interesting read. Same ole same ole. Corperations plundering indeginous people

    In The News...

    Im always disappointed when I click on an interesting article and cant read it without paying.......

    In The News...

    Im all for the cage fight idea. I guess US will loose by a landslide. I would actually pay good coin to watch Putin and Xi though.....

    In The News...

    Yup seems like Putin and Xi are really trying to play hard ball with the US right now. Often wonder how the regular people feel about their leaders agresions . From what Ive read Putin is putting plans in place for mass graves that will be needed due to a nuclear exchange ....... How is that...

    In The News...

    Yup I read about his sentence and thought it was crazy. Bottom line is he froze up and didnt hit the run off ramp ass Im sure he didnt want to total the truck. Big mistake but a 110 year mistake??? I think not, but whar the frig hes just blue collar scum...

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    Come on fellas the cop was scarred for his life. If that crippled old man could have got to an energy bar he could have turned into an olympian and slayed him.

    In The News...

    Bermy if as a country you are at 80% fully vaxed why do you need lock downs ??

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    In The News...

    I just dont understand why people are so in your face about a totally private health descision. Even if you are vacinated you can still contract it and give it to your kid so whats the diference ??
  10. PCTREE

    In The News...

    I dont have a NY times subscription so couldnr read it. I get the implications though, by using an external force we force the weeds to adapt. Thats why I object to using hand sanitizers or steri whipes, the just propergate more robust germs. Kinda makes me think of taking a vacine that doesnt...
  11. PCTREE

    In The News...

    Ger you and me both. I have no idea anymore what to expect from any human interaction
  12. PCTREE

    In The News...

    This about sums up politics in the US
  13. PCTREE

    In The News...

    This is sickening how big money can subvert justice
  14. PCTREE

    In The News...

    I would be very interested to see how that girl Wrestler's life pans out. From my experience down hill from there I would fear.
  15. PCTREE

    In The News...

    Tobe Sherrill told me one time Sillet was a friend . What does that tell you??
  16. PCTREE

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  17. PCTREE

    In The News...

    Ive been trying to team up with churches in the area to do something similar here. Unbelievably to me non of them are interested? Laziness has become endemic
  18. PCTREE

    In The News...

    I thought congress men were allowed to insider trade, they wrote that law you know
  19. PCTREE

    In The News...

    Ain’t it a darlin!
  20. PCTREE

    In The News... I don’t have a problem with this