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  • Users: DMc
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  1. DMc

    Ivermectin vs. Covid and the vaccine

    LOL! Same exact stuff we use for the horse. Sylvia whats to know how it tastes. We have some on hand.
  2. DMc

    Ivermectin vs. Covid and the vaccine

    In what form?
  3. DMc

    Regarding Covid

    Why is it you keep looking at complex situations and expect simple black or white answers?
  4. DMc

    Regarding Covid

    If it is required.
  5. DMc

    Regarding Covid "The discovery that this constant battle with viruses has shaped us in every aspect -- not just the few proteins that fight infections, but everything -- is profound. All organisms have been living with viruses for billions of...
  6. DMc

    Regarding Covid

    "The elemental metal, Silver (Ag) has broad spectrum antimicrobial action against various bacteria, fungi and viruses." The above text, taken from the link Stephen provided, is why I'm personally not a fan of colloidal silver as a prophylactic measure. It is the same scorched earth thinking...
  7. DMc

    Regarding Covid

    Sean, this is how I see it. A deadly to some, novel virus that has been badly handled and represented; i.e., either too much or too little, by almost everyone: medically, politically and socially.
  8. DMc

    Regarding Covid

    Not yet but will if needed. We, my wife and I, are extremely proactive in our lifestyle and nutrition regarding health. "Ivermectin has continually proved to be astonishingly safe for human use. Indeed, it is such a safe drug, with minimal side effects, that it can be administered by...
  9. DMc

    Regarding Covid

    I thought you might be interested in the part about proactive covid prevention that goes beyond just crossing your fingers.
  10. DMc

    Regarding Covid

    So... you didn't even look at the link I posted?
  11. DMc

    Regarding Covid

    This is a complex issue, Cory, and I am in no way criticizing or even doubting you intent. People 'do' need to take more time and 'think' about things, for themselves. When we constantly rely on others for answers, we diminish our own abilities to recognize incongruity.
  12. DMc

    Regarding Covid

    I 'characterized' them as successful because they are.
  13. DMc

    Regarding Covid

    If this is a serious question, you need to think on it some more.
  14. DMc

    Regarding Covid

    Evidently, it's not in 'everyone's' best interest.
  15. DMc

    Regarding Covid

    Mick, your brother in-laws lingering side affects and others, are common with many respiratory infections. Not fun, but not an isolated condition to this corona virus.
  16. DMc

    Regarding Covid

    Legitimate research papers are piling up on successful ways and methods for combating this virus. I'm not seeing much interest or reporting on this. Seems a bit of an oversight?
  17. DMc

    Regarding Covid

    Cory, these words are as relevant today as the day they were written. Viruses are in and on everything, air, water, soil, both on and within 'all' life forms on earth. Genome sequencing reveals that 80% of our dna is composed of viral information with speculation that at one time it could...
  18. DMc

    Regarding Covid

    Cory, the mathematical projections were based on assumptions that may or may not hold true. Yet the author was making statements as if the worst-case scenario was a given. Taken as a whole it had very little meat and a lot of hype and speculation that appeared to me to be directionally purposeful.
  19. DMc

    Regarding Covid

    I'm a bit surprised that you thought that a good article, Cory. It was nothing but high-powered fear mongering and negative assumptions. There is also speculation that this 'new' variant has been here since October.
  20. DMc

    201t / 210tc face off

    You are very good at presenting this kind of information, Mick.