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  • Users: DMc
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  1. DMc

    Tree Crowding - Can Roots Harm Adjacent Trees?

    Short answer, yes, but not necessarily from the roots. Sure, they can coexist, but it will not be optimal and both will alter their growth patterns due to their close proximity to each other.
  2. DMc

    Rope Runner Pro

    If he says yes, would you actually do that?
  3. DMc

    How'd it go today?

    Man, it doesn't rain but it pours! Hope things go well for your dad and you can get Katy fixed up, Stephen.
  4. DMc

    Rope Runner Pro

    Kyle, why do you have to retie on every tree? When you come down from one tree, isn't your hitch where it needs to be already for resetting your line?
  5. DMc

    Rope Runner Pro

    Honestly, Kyle, if that is all you wanted, a Unicender will do those two things as well or better. What makes the Rope Runner Pro better is that it does 'everything' well. Climbers seem obsessed that a climbing setup allows the rope to just fall through by its own weight. While this 'can' be...
  6. DMc

    Rope Runner Pro

    While the RRP does work as advertised on a moving rope system, it is no better at it than a basic hitch based tool. Good that you were able to put it on a rope and get to know it some though.
  7. DMc

    Rope Runner Pro

    I have been told that the original will continue to be produced. You should give some thought on just switching to the RRP. They both work fine, but the pro is way better, imho.
  8. DMc

    How'd it go today?

    I have shot lots of small game and deer with my bows, but loved just shooting them in the woods, doing what is called stump shooting. That is where you spot a random worthy object, stump pine cone etc. and try to hit it
  9. DMc

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Shoo Goo glue works great on carbon or fiberglass. A dab under each suction cup, after they and the board have been de greased and de waxed, squish down and secure for 24 hours. The nice thing about Shoo Goo is it's not permanent and can be removed, albeit with effort, and not leave any marks
  10. DMc

    How'd it go today?

    Stig, I started shooting a longbow when I was around 4 years old. You have definitely created a monster. One of the most satisfying things to witness, is a beautiful arrow finding its mark.
  11. DMc

    Dead limbs?

    What you are asking is the basis for most discussion and research on this subject. Are we helping or harming? It is not a simple question. Virtually all organisums can be optimized. Accomplishing that takes knowledge and an understanding of what is being used to define, good and bad. When...
  12. DMc

    Climbing Under A Limb - Stupid?

    Glad that worked out for you. Next time you go up a tree with a saw, use your lanyard first, as in before the saw. Being tied in twice is such a simple thing to do and has proven to give a major increase in the likelihood of surviving the day.
  13. DMc

    Dead limbs?

    In some situations I suppose, but it is more complex and diverse. I have witnessed stands of relatively young Ponderosa pine on properties within the forest interface that have noticeably healthier growth than neighboring stands. The only thing different was lower dead wood removal. I...
  14. DMc

    Dead limbs?

    Young trees, even slow growers like oak, change and respond quickly. Dead wood in them just gets in the way of that growth and development.
  15. DMc

    Dead limbs?

    Mick, I also work for people but I care for trees. After a lifetime of doing so, trees have earned my respect. They are marvelous organisms and I will always advocate for their well being. When pushed by circumstances, I will cut way more than is good for them if it means they get to live. A...
  16. DMc

    Making DRT Easier?

    Nice useful post, as usual, Marc. I would like to expand a bit on your last sentence though. While at first glance the lack of mechanical advantage in an SRT system would indicate increased climbing effort, the opposite is true. As it is discussed on this forum, SRT is a leg powered...
  17. DMc

    Dead limbs?

    It is a complex subject in which answers will be dependent on the specificity of the situation in question. "Dead wood is the life of the forest" Is a well known and accepted phrase. Being a natural component of the ecosystem, it is utilized in many ways that are beneficial to trees...
  18. DMc

    Making DRT Easier?

    2:1 and 3:1 systems as used in tree climbing are always confusing when compared to the standard chart. Your thinking that the branch represents a stationary pulley because it doesn't move, when in fact, with each pull, you are moving closer to it. That changes everything and turns what should...
  19. DMc

    Dead limbs?

    As you wish, but my thought was it would inspire you to be a little more specific as to exactly what it is you are hoping to answer.
  20. DMc

    Rope Runner Pro

    It only takes a few feet of rope to self tend when clipped into the tending point. If you need more for some reason, you can tie a throw bag onto the line.