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  1. simplypete

    Who's got a porta-ledge? Who's got a Tree Boat?

    That looks like a sweet set up. Swamp camping?
  2. simplypete

    Who's got a porta-ledge? Who's got a Tree Boat?

    Says the man with the timber wolf. Sure wish i had that toy ..erm...tool today. Likewise, I expect it will see some good use over the years.
  3. simplypete

    Who's got a porta-ledge? Who's got a Tree Boat?

    Yep. Damn hard pill to swallow. Took me a few years to wash it down. Decided on the tree boat with mosquito netting.
  4. simplypete

    Who's got a porta-ledge? Who's got a Tree Boat?

    Well I pulled the trigger. My hope is that one of my friends will get one or I will need another one. I don't think the wifey will be into it but the kids surely will. I have a large ponderosa picked out to set up first night.
  5. simplypete

    Think this Bonsai will make it?

    I wonder if a little mycelium inoculation would be good for it. I have been wondering about a little maple I planted in spring. It still has it's leaves but has shone no new growth since I washed and root pruned. It is a starter tree. Basically a small Japanese maple. I wonder if putting...
  6. simplypete

    Previously Topped Silver Maple...DOOMED?? (video)

    Great hat. Thanks for all you do Nick. Your contributions here go a long way.
  7. simplypete

    Check this out

    Stoney baloney. I am glad I asked before I did any of that silly shit.
  8. simplypete

    ID this tree?

    A new species. The Silver Toungued Monkey.
  9. simplypete

    trees too close together?

    Well he has already disregarded the planting instructions and will likely disregard anything you will have to say. On a side note I have seen yards that were over planted that seem to do well. Seems like a perfect planting situation is what over burdens a lot of species simply because they...
  10. simplypete

    O.C.G.D. Thread, part two

    I traded work for a 066 a couple of weeks ago. Got some new parts and she is running like a beast. Started out with a bar and chain, then sprocket, clutch, bearing and goodies. New filter and a full cleaning. She runs good. I paid 400 in trade work.
  11. simplypete

    Engleman Spruce Bonsai

    Maybe during the fall when the water is low. There are at least fifty of these little guys. Anywhere between a foot and 8 feet tall.
  12. simplypete

    Think this Bonsai will make it?

    Nick I think it's a goner. Might as well baby it through the winter and see if the buds open up. But what do I know. I fail constantly with little trees in pots. Currently I have a maplethat was my first success with root pruning. Although it has no new growth for the summer I am hopeful of...
  13. simplypete

    Safari 20G for pine wilt?

    Thanks, learn something new every day.
  14. simplypete

    Engleman Spruce Bonsai

    It was a nice one nighter.
  15. simplypete

    Engleman Spruce Bonsai

    Backpacking trip with the wife and kids. We seen dozens of little trees like this growing in this high elevation lake.
  16. simplypete

    Engleman Spruce Bonsai

  17. simplypete

    Songs I Like

    It didn't work from the iPad. Failed
  18. simplypete

    Bolting a Split Tree

    I will buy them again if the need ever arises.
  19. simplypete

    Bolting a Split Tree

    The wedge grip had a learning curve and I went back a second day about two weeks later. I replaced with the same and found were I went wrong the first time with them. When I loaded the wedge into the housing two sides of the wedge were not exactly even producing a false grip. When the wind...
  20. simplypete

    Bolting a Split Tree

    It was pretty far off the beaten path. I was in the neighborhood and decided to stop. That was the only pic that I snapped. I am sure to see it again. The owner of the property is a old physics techno geek. He applauded my effort and payed me nicely. It has not budged an inch and seems to...