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  1. theTreeSpyder

    Favorite 1/2” rope for natural crotch rigging?

    Wow, kittens that bad? Nice to read ya again Kyle. . i think/have always said TrueBlue always seemed like longest wearing, well used rope. Saw other coreless 12's flatten rarely on severe overload, not Blue. Quite a contender at 7k+ densely packed into 1/2" frame and still flexible. Is a...
  2. theTreeSpyder

    Cosine, my friend

    The micro decimals between 0-1 that define cos:sin value pairs may deceptively seem insignificant. 1000# @100mph etc. in same equation more flamboyantly grab audience/'reader' attention than baby decimal. i would caution against watching this wrong 'louder' hand of the magician purposefully...
  3. theTreeSpyder

    Cosine, my friend

    rule the world, by following rules of universe as the encompassing domain..
  4. theTreeSpyder

    Cosine, my friend

    This stuff is in EVERYTHING, as far as questions, solutions and constant examples; just as simple plumb-bob screams out. Crack this one code, and can decipher messages and examples all around; and then play along as if to command(as in sig). Things don't happen 'accidentally', they play out as...
  5. theTreeSpyder

    English Trucker's Hitch

    TY once again Muggs. The version shown; to me mechanically employs as like an Awning Hitch Lesson#1854/pg.310 in Shows as kicking to trigger release for that use. Seen this as you show for farmers and truckers, where the eye can be set higher than normal reach in...
  6. theTreeSpyder

    Cosine, my friend

    ...lateral deflection cross ways to cos. from sine/deflection view perspective>> Problem seems the cos/sine pattern of change hides in such plain sight*, >>eye passes over easily what is so blandly buried in everything. But virtual reality shows/sifts out back to us that if get the numbers of...
  7. theTreeSpyder

    Cosine, my friend

    If can see everything in the cos/sine aligned/crossing perpendicular pairs sense of total influences, the load would pull down the inner length of a rope equal to or less than xTension and 90degree deflection to outer side as then less than xTension. Linear can only use this lesser xTension...
  8. theTreeSpyder

    Cosine, my friend

    Part of my linear imagery/logic proof is one that seems to break traditional thinking of tension degrading thru the friction path of a knot. It starts at one end at full bull and recedes to Zer0 in sequential pattern. Also in building my own understandings, an arc90 changed the force flow from...
  9. theTreeSpyder

    Directional control of limbs while aloft

    i have very well taken "Dr." Dent's drawings and turned them sideways to tree use relying on Tapered Hinge mostly, fat end upper to show that down is a sidelean to a horizontal path targeted. >>but very species dependent at this angle; as mentioned. Sometimes some Dutch, pushing up. Motion...
  10. theTreeSpyder

    Cosine, my friend

    Below shows some of the places that the math decoder 'ring' has taken me, or sometimes just verified for me. The preceding post shows in arcs how cos and sine are used for seating rope to host as below does too; >>linears by contrast can only use sine xTension for same host seating, not cos(that...
  11. theTreeSpyder

    Cosine, my friend

    From flicker to flame then perhaps>> Things of single change with a known Zer0 and known potential extreme (of reach and/or force); >>cos/sin pattern decodes the rest of positions and forces in between the 2 known, extreme, bordering, benchmarks. >>cos of directness, sin of deflections of...
  12. theTreeSpyder


    ...Part direction. From a 6o'clock directional(so linear) input, TDC/noon gives the greatest downward seating pressure >>where we find 2x in pulley*. Would think someone else tripped over same pattern, but not seen that i remember. * shown: From 6oclock pull TDC/noon is greatest DOWNWARD...
  13. theTreeSpyder


    This is a simple adjustable UTILITY grade eye. To me simpler to fumble especially in smallers than Blake's/ProGrip(some say ProhGrip for real 1st 'inventor' of the form :Heinz Prohaska or even Prohaska hitch, that really got popularized as arborist's Blake's tho) >>a build properly set in proper...
  14. theTreeSpyder

    Got to stay away from power lines

    I have seen sparks as very green tips of juiciest leaves spark on wires as wind blows , and even can keep a nice straight line across trees as it does. 1x I was subbing a job in a yard with tree row under wires. Home owner tried to talk a worker into cutting simple sapling down. I said NO and...
  15. theTreeSpyder

    Mounting A Portawrap - Hitch?

    Sunday p/reachin'>> This is true (sweat/swig), also less play to impact with into system(so also making easier untie); more carefully laid and aligned parts just as with rigid supports. But at/against the Standing Part(SPart) wrenching(meaning pulling/shearing across rope column at Samson...
  16. theTreeSpyder

    Cut stump treatments?

    Let me turn my monitor for you Hope that feels better, nice shot! Reminds me hauntingly of working in trees over water and instinctive sphincter reaction when 'gators circling underneath as if buzzards overhead waiting for mistake. Never fell, nor dropped anything, but was overlie distracted...
  17. theTreeSpyder

    Cut stump treatments?

    Was shown to make tic-tac-toe grid in stump with saw to promote rot. >> i look at as running Doc Shigo model for clean cut and seal backwards >> Purposely leaving nooks and crannies of open AND larger surface area usually prescribed against to extrude opposite effect than usual target >>...
  18. theTreeSpyder

    Felling/gunning sights

    Any 90/half rect or full rectangular in center of clean face can point to where the extreme competing greatest outer leverages of gunning sticks serve also to. My buddy used to use his cigarette pack with stick or straw aligned next to it in center of face if there was any question. Sometimes...
  19. theTreeSpyder

    Cosine, my friend

    This 'primal grunt brain' knowing cosine better than higher order civilized mind's math is not my only point of contention of psyching self/opening eyes to already know part of this; to then throw harder, more confidently into it. . Lots of things i try to describe are not only things witnessed...
  20. theTreeSpyder

