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  1. M

    In The News...

    I haven't seen the movie... but heard about it.. use of drop boxes. They tracked cell phone location information (Unique device IDs) to formulate a hypothesis of ballot trafficking... privately funded drop boxes.. geofence the drop boxes and NGO locations.. can determine when certain phones pass...
  2. M

    For conspiracy theorist only
  3. M

    Regarding Covid

    from Blaylock: We are all living through one of the most drastic changes in our culture, economic system, as well as political system in our...
  4. M

    Ivermectin vs. Covid and the vaccine
  5. M

    Removal advice

    Heavy front leaner was it? there are other cuts.. glad you made it out alive to tell the tale... this is black cherry, not ash. and NO WAY I believe that the split,. lifted 24' and fell in 2 seconds. It's black cherry not ash.. that's a dumbass response... even 2 seconds is enough escape time...
  6. M

    Regarding Covid
  7. M

    Regarding Covid
  8. M

    Removal advice

    in looking those pics over again and realizing this is black cherry I'll make a bold statement: This is the perfect tree for an intentional barber chair. It's a faster easier cut than anything suggested so far. If you have a binder strap, double or triple wrap it about 4' high, start the back...
  9. M

    Regarding Covid

    sheep to the slaughter:
  10. M

    Removal advice

    I have a buddy that designs, installs and repairs septic systems... he is adamant about how fragile these systems are... SO I don't take chances though I'm just going by what he says.... so I would not drop that tree. Though the tree is leaning to such a degree that it won't pick up quite as...
  11. M

    For conspiracy theorist only
  12. M

    For conspiracy theorist only

    200,000-year history of civilization:
  13. M

    Ivermectin vs. Covid and the vaccine

    Looks like AIDS came right out of Philly..
  14. M

    Regarding Covid

    what about applying common sense to any given situation ..something like having skepticism about the safety of an experimental technology that was only safety tested for two months, by greedy corporations that stand to make billions from it, but don't want to release their data for public or...
  15. M

    when the Humboldt is counter-productive

    find the quote then.... or STFU
  16. M

    Regarding Covid
  17. M

    Regarding Covid
