Recent content by Tree09

  1. Tree09

    The Official Random Video Thread!

    That's not something you see everyday
  2. Tree09

    In The News...

    White power clowns are complete idiots, and he was "trying to start a race war."
  3. Tree09

    Ford 4r100 auto trans shift kit question

    Military is different than fleet, and i know several mechanics that work fleet and they're some of the best around. Some at utility companies, some for government (local and state), some for construction companies, and some as equipment manufacturer mobile mechanics, almost all good paying union...
  4. Tree09

    Ford 4r100 auto trans shift kit question

    Gov surplus stuff is usually fleet maintained, so it's had an actual mechanic working on it and they usually do pretty good. Fleet vehicles are where it's at for used stuff.
  5. Tree09

    The Joke/Funny Pic/Video Thread

    Yeah we get it here from time to time too, the freezing rain especially. Ive got plenty of stories, mostly harrowing driving incidences, but one was kinda different and especially memorable. One night i went out with some friends and then later took a cab to hang out with some different friends...
  6. Tree09

    The Joke/Funny Pic/Video Thread

    Black ice is no fun
  7. Tree09

    How'd it go today?

    If they make a paper one my broke hillbilly self would be cutting up a cereal box :lol: i hear you tho, that's a ton of work for a failed gasket, so i might be tempted to wait too. I'm decent at cutting them, for me a gasket hole punch set is key, and i use dykem to lay them out. I want to...
  8. Tree09

    Official Random Fact/Random Thought Thread!

    I get little metal slivers all the time, best way I've found is to scrape the skin with a knife blade. It'll usually catch the tail and pull them out, without all the cutting and digging. I usually force myself to wear gloves, but I'm still taking them off for certain tasks, and invariably I'll...
  9. Tree09

    How'd it go today?

    What's the gasket material?
  10. Tree09

    Official Random Fact/Random Thought Thread!

    That's normal, I'm covered in cuts and burns most of the time from construction too.
  11. Tree09

    How'd it go today?

    I'll take that over the alternatives, pretty much everything is like that.
  12. Tree09

    How'd it go today?

    We have a shop about an hour away that rebuilds in house, i love them. I've considered learning myself tho for the convenience, would be super handy to be able to fix that stuff correctly and then not have to bother anymore.
  13. Tree09

    The New Offical Mutts of the House thread

    I'll love the post just like you did post pics! :lol:
  14. Tree09

    The Official Treehouse Articles Thread

    Lol the article i posted right after yours refutes their position, which is also the rights political panacea. I'm shocked neither article pointed out trump's losers and suckers comments, or any of the other times he denigrated our military. Seems to me a commander in chief talking shit about...
  15. Tree09

    The Official Treehouse Articles Thread

    I did.