Workin in the rain


Aug 16, 2021
Harford county MD
We just had a good 1.5hr rain come through. Still heard many saws going and the hum of loaders. I get that a large mobilization would require completion for finances. Thunderstorms are another matter regarding safety.

I’ve worked in drizzle conditions. Kinda messy but fine.

How do you handle work when raining?
I’m usually fine with working in the rain.
If I’m part of a crew and everyone wants to go home with tiny little paychecks and stay dry, I’m fine with that too usually.

The humidity kinda blows. Getting rained on, while sweating, then a nice coating of saw chips/ dust gets pretty uncomfortable, but I ain’t gonna be the first one to bitch out.
Rain is a pita.

We don't work it here like they do in the PNW, that's for sure.

If we are already out there, I'm fine with working in the rain. If we aren't out there yet, starting in the rain is pretty much a deal breaker;):|:
Seems to bring down moral quick for my guys on the ground so while I don’t mind it to a degree, when there moral is down and it only starts to rain harder than it’s normally best for efficiency and safety for us to call it. Maybe one day I’ll have a crew of men like me that are more focused on getting it done and less about comfort and ease
Ftr, our fearless founder, MB, always nixed rain work iirc.
Working next to a golf course reminds you that lightning is often associated with the rain, when the yonk, yonk, yonk horn blares and tells everyone to get off the course because lightning has been detected nearby - with x miles. Often times you might even hear a thunder rumble. Don't go under a tree includes don't be up the tree!
i found that usually rains sounds worse when i'm still lying in bed, opposed to when im outside. ofcourse you have to lower your expectancy/adapt your technique, fine reduction of beech or plane treein the rain is gonna take much longer.

i've worked for a company in southern germany where the employees would refuse to work as long as the street was still wet 🤷.

where i live, in northern germany, it rains a lot (at least it used to) and as a contract-climber..i rather embrace the rain and bring plenty of spare underwear 🙂

Stephen you stole my line!
Made of sugar I melt in the rain!!!
Hate working in the rain, avoid it as much as possible. Have had to do it more since moving.
If I wanted to stay dry, I wouldn't work much some months, or even some seasons. But it's a pita. Add to that a leylandii-like or a trunk covered by ivy and it turns nasty.
i had a few thunderstorms, the so sudden ones that you don't have any time left before you. In a big cedrus, my ropes were glued by the pitch, so it took me a while to go down. half way in the descent, the wind surged and I played the flag for some times. Not fun. At the end of an oak removal, I was at the top of the main trunk after dismanteling all the crown. I set my climb line to rappel down when the first rain drops came. By the time I reached the ground, I was soaked to the underware. Fun (only because it was warm).

The rain clothes make it doable, but you end to be nearly as wet by the sweat than by the rain itself. The good part is that it's warm wet instead of chilling wet.