The RIP Thread...

For privacy! Although when he put his fist through the glass, I like how that big sheet just slide across his forearm no problemo. Ha.
The guy sure was hyper early on in his career, talent or abnormality? Maybe people shouldn't have been laughing so much at his jokes.
In a strange way, his manner of death seems like some kind of statement to his creative genius. Depression can be very debilitating, but assuming that he wasn't bummed out by the work load that lay ahead, it seems like most people in his position would be pretty consumed by the projects and demand for their skills that were in their future. Apparently it wasn't enough for him to need to think about, that he couldn't also see value in his life and the meaning in sticking around, death was a more important choice. Not saying that suicide is creative, but that he had the room in his mind to choose it. Lots of people choose suicide because something happened to wipe out what they thought was a good thing that they had going. Go figure....
A lot of people have WAY more of an excuse for comitting suicide than he did.

He had it made in the shade...
I know a lady that talks about suicide, her mind is like a slinky that goes back and forth, but to be truthful, she doesn't seem very smart, at least not enough to step out of it. She has a real nice house and sheet, much that many people would ge grateful for, no financial worries, but her family brings her down. Robin seemed like too smart a guy to have an overwhelming state of hopelessness. Some physiological thing perhaps....