The New Offical Mutts of the House thread

  • Thread starter Werks 4 da Man
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Grandkids have a new pup. Percy.
I've been looking for a new dog for a while without finding anything that suits me.

Today I lucked out.

One of my best dogs ever was a Riesenschnauzer/ German shepherd cross. Never thought I'd find that mixture again.
But I did, almost.

Riesenschnauzer and White shepherd.
Both parents were fine dogs, friendly and very well trained.

So the little black Guineapig will be mine in 3-4 weeks:)

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Butch he is probably mostly an "it" right now, but should grow into a nice male.
I think it is called Giant Schnauzer in the US. A direct translation, as Riesen means giant.

Those are very confident dogs,very protective with a deep mistrust of strangers.
My old Jack was like that.
Very stand offish until I had told him someone was ok.
Then they were accepted.
He was also the most fearless dog I've ever encountered. Nothing fazed him.

White shepherd also known as white Swiss shepherd or Berger Blanc Suisse is what my present Thais is ( So was my last Thais)
Very friendly, very easy to train, lovely dogs but not one for chewing a burglar an extra a-hole.

That is where the Riesenscnauzer half comes in.

I've always liked German shepherds mixed with something stronger.
Gives you the intelligence and trainability of the shepherd and the stronger personality and sharpness of whatever you mix in.....Husky, Pyreneean, Riesenschnauzer.

Have him cut how?
Why would I castrate a dog?
I'm pretty fond of my balls, my guess is he would feel the same way.
Docking is stupid and cruel and also illegal here.

The original German shepherd dog as developed by Max Von Stephanitz had a recessive white gene that would pop up once and again.
Ol' Max didn't care about colour, he cared about working abilities ( He would be turning in his grave if he saw what the breed he developed has been turned into)
Enter the Nazis. They stuck their fingers in everything back then, even dog breeding,
For some reason Göring ( I belive, this is from memory, might have been Goebbels) decided that the white shepherds weren't true Aryan dogs ( You'd have thought it would be the other way round, right?) so they were excluded from the breed.
They were still bred in the US and Canada and after WW2 they made their way back to Europe.
In some countries, like Denmark, they still can't be called GSDs so the name Berger Blanc Suisse is used.

They haven't been inbred like the GSD, so don't have all the problems like hip dysplacia, bad elbows and sloping back that those suffer from.
That's very interesting Stig. Good to hear that they aren't so inbred as to have problems. I was concerned that the white ones might be such a small line that the inbreeding might be inevitable.

I wouldn't touch a GSD here with a ten foot pole. Seen too many mean ones, and young ones die from defects.

I agree with you on the docking and cropping of ears. I find it amazing that some breeds are excluded from shows unless they have had their ears f'ed with and tails cut off.

Not to pick nits, but your balls are kinda just ornamental at this point aren't they?

I think I am going to take an English shepherd from a friend when he has another litter of pups. I guess I have grieved for Biscuit long enough. Still hate myself for what I did, put her down so she would not have to face a tough winter. Then we get a nice open winter! Bah!

Thinking about looking into a pointing lab as well.
Looking forward to the pics of the pups progress.

The phrase "lucked out" means exactly the opposite in English English as opposed to American English btw, which threw me a bit.
Not to pick nits, but your balls are kinda just ornamental at this point aren't they?

Thinking like a farmer again , Jim.
No big surprice.
It ain't all about breeding, you know.
For that purpose ,mine have been out of commision since I had my tubes tied at age 23.

They still work quite well for the fun and pleasure part, in fact I think the mail order bride might take offence at that " Ornamental" remark.:lol:

As for Bisquit, I think you did that dog a kindness, And I admire you for doing it.
I sure wish every dog owner was that considerate of their buddies when they get too old to enjoy life.
So don't beat yourself up over that.
I agree as well jim, it's hard to do but with everything dogs do for us I feel we owe them in the end.

I guess I might have to get rid of my duke dog, wife has had it. He broke loose, busted the fence, brought home a girlfriend and all in one day. One day and he raised all hell, neighbor's pissed about a pregnant dog, wife's mad because she believes he goes after her intentionally.
Looks like an awesome mix Stig.

We got a companion for Bear the other week. Because his size & strength, we opted for the "little" option. Tilly is a patterdale cross, a really hardy working breed & feisty to boot. Certainly keeps the big fella on his toes :)


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Last one - she is a typical working terrierist - when not running around the house, she stares out ofthe window drooling at the thought of getting at the chickens or just chasing flys :)


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