
Tree House enthusiast
Aug 23, 2008
What do you all think of becoming a TCIA member, is it worth the price to join?? It seems a little pricey, not sure if the cost/benefit is there.

I will say their magazine is of pretty good quality, worlds ahead of Arbor Age (is that still in exististance?)
For the 150 I spent for a first time member I think it is worth it. I am up for renewal this yr and am not sure I will if it is much more. The mag is good, but the continuous sales calls from all their vendors have been a little annoying.
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Is there any good safety stuff (EHAP for example) or business stuff (prevailing prices and wages for example) offered by them?
For $150 I would do it. I keep deciding it is not worth it and they talk me into it again and again... They ding me more like $500!
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  • #6
What do you get out of it
There was a free to members EHAP training this yr. I didn't make it and I'm kicking myself.
My cynical self found that anything they offered for 'free' was always just the very base item but all the accompanying side items all cost money. Attending any 'free' event was never free and designed to suck more money out of you. It's like their prime directive was to suck money out of the members and anything of value offered in return was the bare minimum required to draw attendees. Even 15 years ago the seminars I attended were all just basic info and as a working arborist I already knew the vast majority of the info presented. Everything was geared toward the lowest common denominator, the least experienced rookie on the crew. I learned more from one of Jerry's videos than all the TCIA/ISA seminars combined.
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  • #10
Overall it doesn't sound promising.
I think it depends on your market and services offered. We are a TCIA Accredited company and would not be invited on many bids if we were not. It is only useful if you now how to use it.
no apostrophes.
As an overseas member I had to pay over $300...initially I got some good stuff in the intro packet, DVD's booklets, a cap and the magazine, but then it took forever for the monthly magazines to arrive, they were almost always three weeks late, but the content was always very interesting, I do miss getting them...then the renewal was still over $300 and I let it lapse as I was making the move to Oz. I still have their stickers on my van though...

TO get any of the accreditation, EHAP, Tree Safety would have entailed a trip overseas and more $$$. However one of my competitors decided to join, he has a lot more cash flow than I do, he and his climber did the CTSP (certified tree safety professional) and attended the final course at TCIA last year...not sure exactly how it will benefit him here, but I do have to say passing his crews its nice to see them all in PPE, looks very professional. I wonder if it is translating into added business, well at least his men are working safely and that's always good.
$150 is a new member thing, I talked to David at the conference. One time incentive to get you in, I still may re up...
I was a small small operator. Word of mouth and reputation carried me through my career. I never advanced up to the contract jobs, big equipment and employees. When you do that kind of work accreditation means a lot.
yes Willie I did.. after hanging out in Chico for four hours in the smoke.
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  • #19
I was a small small operator. Word of mouth and reputation carried me through my career. I never advanced up to the contract jobs, big equipment and employees.

Fascinating point, Jer. Something tells me you would have been very good at running a company with big equip and employees, but I guess that obviously was never very attractive to you.
I just got in on one of the last EHAP courses for the yr. still a two hour ride though. I don't think I will re up as Willie put it, but I am not sure.

Cory if you want to jump in on the course I can bring you up. Shoot me a PM. It's in Plymouth ,NH on sept 13
Cory, are you trying to steer your business in a new direction? If so, are you willing to pay and pay and pay to roll the dice and see if they can offer you anything to guide you that way? If you are headed after government, contract, and large scale commercial work, then I'd think it might be a wise move. If you are hitting the figures and stability you want in the residential scene, then I'd say don't waste your money.

We all have different goals, which is awesome. I myself have targeted and steered my business towards the residential scene, with less emphasis on volume and more on higher profit margin per job. By way of high bidding. At one point I thought I wanted to build a business based on volume. I steered away from that. I do know some guys around that do well by working on volume, for cheap. That wasnt for me. I guess what im saying is that we each have (should anyways) a direction for our businesses and careers. Is joining TCIA part of a master plan you have to go a certain way?
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  • #22
I just got in on one of the last EHAP courses for the yr. still a two hour ride though. I don't think I will re up as Willie put it, but I am not sure.

Cory if you want to jump in on the course I can bring you up. Shoot me a PM. It's in Plymouth ,NH on sept 13

Thanks very much fort your kind offer. I'm going to pass though cuz I have had "informal" training using written EHAP course materials.
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Chris, I was thinking it might help me in the residential scene, but based on the responses it doesn't seem so.
So is it $150 annually for TCIA?

I was fairly hesitant to sign up with the BBB earlier this year. Ended up signing for three years and it has already paid for itself.
I'm intrigued by that. Surprised. I despise the better business bureau and feel they are a useless steaming pile of shit. You're the first person I've met who says they've been beneficial to their business. Tell me more.