Super Bowl

Hope this live stream works in Japanica, Jay!


Today, the Ospreys will be feasting on roast bronco!!!
There's a good following of the NFL over here so the game is on free to air TV...just gotta make sure I have enough popcorn.
I'm a Redskins fan from the start, it was the first team I came across when I started to get interested in football, just happened to be on a family vacation in DC. Nothing to do with if they were any good or not...I had a Riggins jersey for many years.
Unfortunately I haven't followed the league at all this year so I don't know how they did, but betcha boots, I ALWAYS watch the superbowl and just hope for a really good game, nothing worse than a blowout.

Over here, they've already had a news article about the superbowl adds, they always attract a lot of attention!
Believe it or not, 60 miles south of Seattle and I don't even know who won. Haven't been out of the house today. Wait is it today? Dahlia and I are sick.
If anyone needs me I'll be chilling in the Hunting Thread! I don't even know the rules of football.
There are similarities between hunting and football. At their best they are both primal.

Wow, safety on the first play from scrimmage.
Yeah, the adds just, well, no polite way, suck ass! The halftime show, meh, I like Bruno, a lot, not so much the Chilli Pepper's, and I've no idea how they are going to try and blend these two!
Highlight so far- Doritos commercial w the time machine. Bruno Mars as a halftime show? Surprised they didn't roll out Miley Cyrus. Shoulda been red hot chili peppers for the whole halftime show.
I'm not too into pop, but Bruno's intro was good as he beat the f out of his drum kit, lotta good raw energy.
I'd have been happy as a pig in slop if they'd have let Bruno do the whole show! Check out some of his other music, Hand grenade in particular, he's an awesome musician IMO!
The Pepper's could have stayed in the stands and I'd have been happy, a song that is 12? years old doesn't do much for me.