Stein Arbor-Trolley

I hate willow trees. The AT doesn't mind



Guys, I've said it before but if you think you will use a AT two days a week so probably can't justify it, once you have one you instantly find how many more uses it actually has and you'll use it all the time.

If mine broke tomorrow, I'd drive straight my dealer and buy another one instantly, that's how valuable it is.

Def building one this winter, these pics help with the decision. Id buy one but i like aluminum, and can use the small project for snowy days.
You have me sold Nick! How do you load and center a piece that big? I know you work with at least three others, bit do you roll it on with cant hooks or set up some type of lift via rigging?
Damn that thing is a heck of a tool.

Chris, You do mostly removals right? You are also contemplating buying a mini? Buy an AT, and believe me it will pay itself off fast. How many man hours would you have to save to pay it off just counting payroll other than yourself? 10? 15? 20? I know you move a lot of wood. You are crazy not buy one. If you dont think it was worth it I will drive to hour house and you can punch me, right in the face.

Can you flip stakes/ staves to go out horizontal for open areas and wide brush?

Yes although you wouldnt want to put logs on like that.

You have me sold Nick! How do you load and center a piece that big? I know you work with at least three others, bit do you roll it on with cant hooks or set up some type of lift via rigging?

I generally only work with one guy. That log in particular we flopped onto a pile of logs to bridge a flagstone walk. I took one wheel off the trolley, slid it under and put the wheel back on. I had to lever the log a bit to get it on. I wont lie, that log was a bear to move, and took both guys on all but the concrete, but its inconcievable with any other non motorized piece of equipment (except for a log arch maybe but they arent very portable).
Yes Nick, mostly removals. Pruning isn't a gold mine around here. Topping is, but I don't roll like that. I have watched your pics and videos of this thing and Im about to buy one.
Chris, You do mostly removals right? You are also contemplating buying a mini? Buy an AT, and believe me it will pay itself off fast. How many man hours would you have to save to pay it off just counting payroll other than yourself? 10? 15? 20? I know you move a lot of wood. You are crazy not buy one. If you dont think it was worth it I will drive to hour house and you can punch me, right in the face.

Nick your a good salesman. I love the last sentence, funny! Hey I will do tree work for an Arbor Trolley :) Next Spring I will buy one unless I pick a big removal/big pruning job in the mean time.