In The News...

You guys are missing the point with the suction cup climber guy. He was already operating well outside the boundaries of accepted behaviour. How in the hell were those cops supposed to know whether he had any weapons on him, or even explosives in that pack. He got arrested, not roughed up. He resisted arrest, not very well, but he was resisting.

They should've just secured the area below him, and broke the pain of glass he was on. Another marginalized weirdo gone. Big f-cking deal.

He got off easy imo. From what I saw without re-watching the cops acted effectively and reasonably. They should've sent some skinny cops up there to wrestle with him some more or something? Made it fair, like keep it in his weight class? The guy gave up his right to not get ruffed up when he applied the first(of four lol) suction cups.
You guys are against sunscreen now too? Sheesh!

Sunscreen just sketches me out and I always end up burned anyway. wearing clothes is the best option. I wear long sleeves at work and I try to keep a hat on. collared shirts at the beach. I don't wear a burkini normally but I am glad I have that option in this country if I were to chose to wear one.
So crosses and little Jewish hats are considered in good secular standing? I don't understand French thinking...
If I was in charge, less people would step out of line. Too many people all trying to live together to save everyone.

I probably wouldn't kill him, like busting the window he's on. But c'mon, police brutality? The guy was off the rails and got treated with kid gloves as far as I saw.

I resisted arrest once, and I can tell you that I was 'roughed up' a good deal more than that.
I'm not going to defend it, I don't really GAS as they say but.....

France is fiercely secular, religion plays no part in government policy, so for example the president doesn't have to pretend to believe in God as yours does to get the religious vote. You can get married in church but it means no more than a school play till you do it properly, i.e. By law in a Mairie.
It's about ostentatious displays of religious conviction, hats and crosses are not, burquinis are.
It may surprise you to know that, for men, shorts are not allowed in public swimming baths here, only "speedo" type swimwear for hygiene reasons. That comes as a shock to many Brits as well.

Like I said I don't really care, but I thought some background might be interesting.
I say good on France. The burkini or whatever, the full coverings for women come from the hardline Muslim fanatical sects of the religion. You know the types that are perpetuating terrorism. I say good on France for saying we don't want that here. It makes France more of a target for terrorists, but good on them for saying we don't want that here, it doesn't fit with what we accept.
I agree. You have to draw the line somewhere. If they don't like it why not move back to the middle east where it is accepted?
Squish did you see that article on the Philippines prez who mandated kill all drug dealers, and a few addicts while they're at it. Something tells me you're in favor.
Hell yah I'm in favour. To much bleeding heart bullsh-t is just perpetuating problems imo. Sometimes a hardline needs to be drawn.
I too am a big one for no sunscreen, clothes and hats (and trees :thumbup: ) are the best sunscreen. No sunglasses for me neither, hats.

Where do y'all stand re sunglasses?
I can't live without sunglasses. I've worn them all my life. I have exceptional eyesight(brag) off the chart everytime I've ever been tested. My lowlight eyesight is incredible, but my eyes are incredibly sensitive to bright light. Without shades on a sunny day I walk around in a full squint.
How is a speedo more hygienic than shorts?

I never owned sunnies until I got into tree work and needed them for ppe, now I wear them everyday.
Thanks Mick.

I guess "ostentatious" is a relative term.

All the mentioned articles seem ostentatious to me...for sure a cross is. different strokes...

Not positive this really fits but it seems to: "traditionally worn only during prayer or during religious rituals. Eventually, Jews started wearing the kipa all day long, both as a sign of piety and to distinguish themselves from non-Jews." The public distinguishing seems to tip the balance...
or détroit where it also accepted. Maybe not agreed with but we have freedom of expression and freedom of religion. On the same note this is interesting

That article seems to confirm why we shouldn't allow those types of coverings in the west? It's some backwoods sh-t that allowed that stuff to happen in the first place?

I don't see it as freedom of religion/expression. I see it as oppression of women/girls. I don't want that here. I'm not looking to tolerate that sort of religion/tradition. Put it in the history books. Good riddance.
do we stop the amish from covering their heads too? Making laws against clothing seems to be getting very close to authoritarianism nanny stateism. Wether or not there are people forced to wear burka thats not up to lifeguards at the beach to get involved in... I feel very strongly that my personal right to wear a burka if I choose should not be infringed on. I should be able to wear whatever damn kind of clothes whenever I want. Burkini included