In The News...

Most attracted to government positions of authority are like politicians, psychopathic and control freaks. The sheeple have been well conditioned by the public school system for a long time to bow down to "the authorities" instead of teaching that the "authorities are supposed to serve us".
These are desperate times for the people. Worldwide. Governments have gone mad.

Much as some of you despise him for his mean tweets and hurting your feelings, Trump tried to get the government back on track by cleaning out the swamp. No one, including him, had any idea how deep and wide that swamp was. We're seeing it now. Of course, some are still in denial and think he was just a lying, misogynist, racist, etc. , etc., etc...
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Trudeau says MPs who vote against the Emergencies Act indicate that &quot;they don’t trust the government to make incredibly momentous and important decisions&quot; <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) <a href="">February 21, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
Much as some of you despise him for his mean tweets and hurting your feelings, Trump tried to get the government back on track by cleaning out the swamp. No one, including him, had any idea how deep and wide that swamp was. We're seeing it now. Of course, some are still in denial and think he was just a lying, misogynist, racist, etc. , etc., etc...
Remember that Trump really only had one year where he was able to do anything. Ryan the RINO ran the House for 2 years and refused to advance a single one of Trump's initiatives. Thenb Covid pretty much dominated the last year. Not to mention the 5+ years of the entirely fake "RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA" crap engineered by Hillary's campaign that crippled his entire term.
Any other politician would've folded under all the pressure (fake news and propaganda) the dems were laying on Trump.

But that didn't phased Trump one bit. Water off a ducks back. Through it all Trump called BS as he saw it, and kept on running the office of the presidency in the meantime.

I had to rethink my opinion of ol' Donald Trump. Ass hole as he is, as a politician he has far more swagger than any that point the finger at him.

The U.S. of A. would not be in the dire straits it is in today if Trump had not lost the election.

It's all a mess right now, not by Trump, but by the dems.

Solve both problems, Folks... vote "DeSantis" in 24, for the win, win.
Any other politician would've folded under all the pressure (fake news and propaganda) the dems were laying on Trump.

But that didn't phased Trump one bit. Water off a ducks back. Through it all Trump called BS as he saw it, and kept on running the office of the presidency in the meantime.

I had to rethink my opinion of ol' Donald Trump. Ass hole as he is, as a politician he has far more swagger than any that point the finger at him.

Gerry, your post made me think of the notion that comprises this article.
