How's it goin down South?

  • Thread starter Levi
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There seems to be a lot of guys on the House that live in the SE.

I've been hearing on the radio that things are getting pretty hairy down there with the snow and all, any news from the front-line?
Complete and utter chaos here bro. Kids had to spend the night at school people still stuck on the road since noon yesterday trying to get home from work. Everything's shut down. Its madness
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Sorry to hear about your kids, maybe they had fun? I hope it warms up soon down there, sounds crazy!
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I've never been down south but I was always under the impression that it was pretty warm down there all year, guess not.
I'm about 45 minutes west of Atlanta, it's about 12 out right now, we left work at noon yesterday, my 10 year old did make it home from school thankfully, my ex picked her up, if it warms up and the roads clear we may have work tomorrow. It's so rare this happens they really don't have a way to keep the roads clear. Chaos sums it up. This is what I'll be doing today. Have fun Carl. image.jpg
I remember a movie a while back ,can't think of the title [so couldn't have been that good] about the up coming ice age. Helicopters were falling out of the sky and people were breaking across the fenced border into Mexico looking for warmth.
Yeah dumb movie alright, script was -100 below and the actors were wearing ski gloves.:lol:
School has been cancelled yesterday and today. A few roads were closed last night because of the ice. Weather guys were wrong as usual here. People were in panic at the stores Monday because of possible 3-5" of snow and ice. Also saying that power would be out for 5 days! We didn't loose power for a minute! We got a good bit of frozen rain yesterday and last night. Roads have reopened ice has melted some already. Only about 1/2" stuck to roads last night. It is 32 F here right now with low of 20 F tonight which is near record low. It's cold for us especially with the windchill.
I remember a movie a while back ,can't think of the title [so couldn't have been that good] about the up coming ice age. Helicopters were falling out of the sky and people were breaking across the fenced border into Mexico looking for warmth.
Yeah dumb movie alright, script was -100 below and the actors were wearing ski gloves.:lol:

The Day After Tomorrow
Dumbest movie of all time. "oh no the sea is rising flooding New York and now it is freezing solid in one second" Riight.
I live 3 hours north of Atlanta. It started snowing yesterday at about 9:00 am. They let schools out at 11:00am and I went and got my daughter. The roads weren't really that bad then, but after they got packed down real good from the traffic they got real slick, it was 14* here yesterday while it was snowing. None of the roads were treated because it was only supposed to flurry for a couple hours, but it snowed from about 9:00 in the morning till about 8:00 yesterday evening. I got a little Polaris Ranger with a cab, I rode it to the store at the interstate yesterday evening to get me some beer and a few things and the main hwy's still wasn't treated yet....interstates had one lane treated, and every motel on the exit was full! It was 5* this morning and the windchill was -2. Schools are out today and they done called them off tomorrow. Most of the snow has melted except for in the shady spots. I havent seen any broke trees. Kinda weird, it just layed on the rode until yesterday evening, then started laying on grassy surfaces. We didn't get but about 2.5''-3'', but yes people were piled up every where with minor fender benders....crazy. One exit ramp a few miles south of me had a 17 car pile up. People around here aren't used to driving in it, and freak out.

Supposed to be about 9 tonight so what ever is left will just freeze again.
Aww c'mon that movie was fun!
The beginning was the best when the gulf stream stopped flowing...and when they were in the new york library deciding which books to burn, and how the atmosphere itself practically froze and fell on their heads...and, and...
I am in the Six Flags tree breaks here. Lots of road problems, however. At noon yesterday it was snowing a bit and melting. By 1:15 when I left my office there was approx 1/2 inch maybe accumulated, light dusting...but the temp was dropping fast. It seemed like the roads just flashed to ice. My five minute drive home took 45 minutes...lots of slipping going on, gridlock had already started. My wife and I made it home OK...lots of folks did not. Many were gridlocked and stranded, some over 12 hours in their car. We had a friend call from a busy area of Atlanta (Cumberland Mall area). She and her husband were on foot, cold (had to abandon car after 9 hours trying to drive home from work..took them that long to go about 12 miles. She had already fallen once and they couldn't walk too close to roads because of cars slipping on hills or sloped curves and crashing over the curbs.

We got her location, determined from the I-web there was a Kroger (grocery store that was staying open all night) about 2/10 mile south of her position...they had walked past it. They backtracked, used the address we gave her in her smartphone and she found the store. They spent the night in the grocery store...lots of folks spent the night in Home Depots...they stayed open all night, too.

My son has a 4WD truck with knobby tires...goes where lots of 4WD's won't go. He spent about 9 hours last night retrieving friends and family that were stranded on I-20, major interstate here that was gridlocked and shut down. First rescue was a friend and her 4 year old that had been in their car 9 hours, the child had only had b'fast that day. Once the word got out that he could get around (e.g., via Facebook chatter) he became a popular person. :He had to get creative to get around gridlocks...cutting thru business parks, backing down exit ramps and exiting freeways via entrance ramps. :/:

Lindsay and I kept his 2 boys last night while he and his wife did pickups of stranded folks...he had first gone to get her at work and bring her home. Ended up taking her boss home, then the calls started coming in. He never had a chance to bring her home until 4AM.

I just rode with him an hour or so ago to take someone back to I-20 to retrieve their plumbing work van near Six Flags...expressway was still very locked up, barely moving but not totally blocked anymore. It is melting some. It will refreeze again soon..tomorrow has the potential to be another bad driving day in the AM.

Just had a great snowball fight with the grandboys (8 and 3 yrs) and Alex...some fun to be had, too.:)
Yeah they do, i could of used them an hour ago. I busted a sweet 360 (on accident though )in the jeep Cherokee trying to get the baby diapers. Ice sucks